[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)


You reminded me of a series with this…ha…ha…

is it even possible to ingest a firework


everything is possible to eat

Well I go to the Virtual class and next the school so Goodbye for now

even a skyscraper? huh

Bye and bye Dash.

Wish me luck that I’m going to need it


don’t leave us :cry:

Blackboy is leaving, not Dash

What did Dash do lol


i ate skyscraper once

Musk is going to Japan

Now I have virtual so I can make a little exception

Please do because yes

Dash IS LEAVING as well… :unamused:

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indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

wow, that must have been difficult

Did you know Monokuma is the mascot of Danganronpa?

Throws Sand at CannonCart

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