[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)


Microphone in the eyes xd

very scary

Worst July month is now, foooooo…

i know

now die of scaredness

image image image image image

mwah hah hah hah hah


Djaq you are getting yourself in trouble!!!

It’s August :unamused:

Everyone gangsta until you say the chrismas is better than the halloween

Worse July, yes.

chrostmas is better than halloween though :frowning:

I never celebrate halloween so I think yes XDD

:skull: :cold_sweat:

Christmas is way better.

Halloween is USA thing.

us bad haha die

halloween is dumb thing

it’s dentists’ favorite though

so many cavities :frowning:

USA bad. Wrrrrrr :angry:

DEALING damage

only 140 posts left :frowning_face:

they beat Mexico

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