[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

Some minutes to go the school so let’s deal damage

not mexico :frowning:

A little bit more of damage


Well Now I’m out, Good bye for now


A little bit of spam

BlackBOY out



:church: :coffin:

princess diana :frowning:

rex and Djaq are arguing again

Omg… it has over 1M views now :laughing:

only had 100k few days ago… lovely bless of YT recommendations.

updated :paintbrush:

(added black tips to ears)


much better, 9/10

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Spooky Month?


Not yet, hold on

I am doing bad

:face_with_thermometer: :question:

no, I am not sad

Foxy Loxi/Nick Wilde

Here. Scaled.

Oh… but it is indeed one cute… art!

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