Fun With Emojis!

When did you start? Ever since JC took over well…

NSFW words, but they are blanked out. This is a state of the game assesment

Mainly gameplay, but collecting is also kind of fun in games like these.

I don’t typically find it a super big deal if a game ends up being super P2W (or else I wouldn’t be playing this game :crazy_face:) since I never spend money on mobile games anyways. I just want a fun simple diversion.

Before Jam City. But I stopped playing a couple of months after. I tried it again (I didn’t delete the app) after Jam City took over, but I didn’t get to save any of my data, so I quit the game altogether.

If you want to collect the emojis, download this on a computer.

Big help with a ton of PNGs

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Download it (the game), then PM me… I think Ariel is the best starter…

From NBC as told by, I got this lil guy

Remember me? I’m your number 1 fan!
here are Trusty and the blue one who I love.
This one who I also forgot the name of
Mrs. Jumbo
@Grim_grinning_Ghost, check out the after credits scene on this one :smiley:

Also, you didn’t think I forgot Coleslaw, did you?


I think his name was Jock, if I remember right?

Oh, Jock! Thanks! I love his scottish accent.


Hitchhiking ghosts! @Grim_grinning_Ghost, if you want PNGs of them, you are going to have to make them because it was not working right…but I found them!


@Grim_grinning_Ghost, any ideas on how to get the Hitchhiking ghosts? They are partially covered…

Well yesterday I downloaded DEB, where is the thing where I can show my emojis? :sweat_smile:

I would use the keyboard stickers…

Bought a gold box. Got this:


… Is that an actual DEB emoji, or did you just make a coleslaw emoji in that style?

Is just a joke

It is a keyboard item titled “Salad”… I had a high quality PNG of it from that image package. Loosely based off of this ad that was everywhere:


Why though?

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