Fun With Emojis!


I wanted to share an exclusive NPC everyday, so you can save and text them… If we don’t like it after a few days, I will remove it. Maybe another bird should be today…

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Added some I made to the main post

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Something still looks awkward about it though. Idk, I almost prefer the collar tbh.

It’s either

  1. The space between the mouth and the bottom
  2. The eyebrows
  3. The lines under the eyes

All of these were in the original, and I did not feel like changing them.


I think the biggest problem is that there’s no nose. Linguini’s nose is probably one of, if not his most defining feature. And emojis can’t really have a nose without it looking strange.

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That looks like the Sulley wasawski meme

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Maybe you could add a nose for Linguini? I mean, Ian doesn’t have one though and he still looks fine so maybe he doesn’t need one.

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I can try…I really am not a fan of Ratatouille, but I will do it for you guys

… May I ask why you don’t like Ratatouille?

Angry @Xavier_The_Great noises


Also angry Myeong and Rex noises

Angry Djaq noises

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IDK. It was just a bit slow for me. I will watch it when in a bit and maybe I will enjoy it more. No hard feelings

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Angry Djaq, Myeong, Rex, and Damon noises

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Ian is literally just blue Linguini though…

No, they have different hair. I made a custom Linguini earlier in this thread. You can search for that

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