Fun With Emojis!

That’s actually me

My entire life has been a lie


face reveal
I can make it a png real quick.

What you guys thought I was a Male?

Yeah, kinda…

Here is png of it.

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I thought that you were actually Joy :sob:

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Yes I guess you can say it’s my face reveal.

I mean, Joy is female…

Like inside out joy?

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Idk, the random generated names are always weird because there are like 50 other Ruler Joys. You acn tell by the numerals…

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I have also be wondering… Why don´t you make an original name instead of the random generated? :sweat_smile:

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Never thought about that.

Here I am with my new name!

Maybe make your avatar the Flubber than :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
It bothers me that the “girl” and “joy” aren’t capitalized :sweat_smile: I hate my grammar pet peeve sometimes.

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Well I don’t know if I will keep it.


We live in a society… one that assumes most are male before asking.

It is totally ok though cause we make mistakes on this towards everyone.

I always thought Ruler Joy was female because of the “joy” in the name :man_shrugging:

I just realized that Imagineer has it too, lol.


This is another collage!

(just posted on the website now)

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