Funky Kong (Unlikely Concept)

This is my last concept until I can think of anymore ideas. I hope you enjoy this anyway. :slight_smile:

Name: Funky Kong

Quote: “Lookin’ good Kongs! Buckle up and blast off! You’re outta here!”

Team: Yellow

Role: Control

Stars: :star: :star: :star:

Entrance to battle: A wave comes out of nowhere and Funky Fong lands on the ground

Victory: He does the same animation as Jasmine (but with a surfboard instead)

Defeat: He falls forward and stars come on his head (so like Baloo)


White Skill: Funky’s Flight: (TRUE Damage :shield:)
A wave comes out of nowhere and Funky Kong rides it. While he rides it , a shark bites all enemies dealing X damage and removing X Armor , X Reality , heals Funky Kong X HP over 9 seconds and applying 3 stacks of Weakness. Each stack of Weakness from this skill will make this unit take 30% more damage and he can apply up to 10 stacks.
The stacks of Weakness has a chance to fail against enemies higher than level 235.

Green Skill: Banana Bunch: (Fantastic Damage :sparkles:)
Funky Kong takes 3 bunches of bananas. He throws 1 bunch on the battlefield, causing enemies to slip and knocking them back, dealing X
damage , and reducing their attack and movement speed by 50%. He then eats the 2nd bunch healing himself for X HP and grants himself X armor, and gives the 3rd bunch to the weakest ally healing them 30% of what Funky Kong heals and grants them 25% armor and reality of what Funky Kong has. Funky Kong and his weakest ally carries 50% of this armor and reality buff wave to wave. Funky Kong can have up to 5 bananas peels at a time.

Blue Skill: Tropical Freeze: (Fantastic Damage :sparkles:) Funky Kong opens a box , revealing a snow cloud and floating over the enemy with the most Skill Power, freezing them and dealing X damage over 10 seconds. This freeze cannot be dodged, evaded or be reduced by Tenacity. This freeze has a chance to fail against enemies higher than level 235.

Purple Skill: Jungle Climber: After 12 seconds into each wave, a jungle tree comes out of nowhere. Funky Kong then climbs the tree and throws down bananas to his allies. All allies get the same buffs and same slows for enemies from “Banana Bunch” This skill has a chance to fail on allies and enemies higher than level 235.

Red Skill: Surf’s Up: “Banana Bunch now heals all allies 15% of Funky Kong’s healing and grants them 3 stacks of Funky. Each stack of Funky increases his allies armor and reality by 30% and can have up to 20 stacks at a time. The stacks of Funky are carried by 50% from wave to wave. The Stacks of Funky can fail on allies higher than level 235.

Additional Sat Boosts:
X Skill Power
X Basic Damage
X Reality

Funky Kong and King Louie:
Allies: Judy Hopps , Nick Wilde , and Clawhauser.

Funky Kong and Yax
Allies: Finnick , Chief Bogo , and Sulley and Boo.

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There’s a lot going on here… Too many debuffs and such.

This should be a variable.

This should be a variable.

The same here…


That’s too much… Please lower it.

You’re missing the disks and what they do.


As I said. It’s an unlikely. This is my last concept anyway before I can think of anymore ideas.


What does this have to do with anything?

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