Game frozen and invasion boss bot is red!

the game was frozen for no reason during quick fight and crashed
It wasn’t internet issue for sure 1000%

Anyhow, why it takes 10 minutes to be back to normal so i can hit again? Can’t you reduce it to 2 minutes at least?


What if someone keeps crashing it on purpose?

Can we have option to hide our own boss bots from showing to guild members?

Thanks @Polaris


Elliott explained this to you in his response. It is to prevent syncing issues.

That’s not how it works. When this happens it is almost always due to connectivity issues.

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What sync issues that takes 10 minutes? I disagree what was responded

It can be done on purpose by someone from guild ofc

the game was frozen and crashed not because of internet connectivity issues

It was totally frozen and it happened a lot after last updates

We need option to hide bot from public

You can mark your bots as do not attack.

I’m not understanding, you think your guildmates are making your game crash?

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No they can’t crash my game but they can crash my boss bot
And red mark doesn’t help because it’s there and they keep attacking it regardless marked colors
And many of them having slow internet connectivity

We have 2 issues here

  1. Game frozen and crashed
  2. Guild members crashed other members bots due to their own issues as Elliot mentioned about connectivity
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Ah, ok I see what you’re saying.

Why would your guild members intentionally crash the bots? It would just make them lose some resources, and if you can’t attack in that time, nobody can.

During war/surge reset game freezes

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