Gantu concept

Captian Gantu

Star level-:star::star::star:
Quote- " I will serve the galactic federation and catch that abomination"
Basic attack-he shoot a burst attack from his plasma gun

Victory pose- he does a evil laugh
Defeat pose- he throws his plasma gun to ground in a rage
Entry pose-his spaceship drops him off


White skill(laser strike)“fantastic damage”: Gantu call his spaceship to launch a massive laser strike on all enemies dealing X damage.

Green skill(net gun)“normal damge”:Gantu uses his net gun at a target enemy dealing X damage and slowing them for 5 seconds.

Blue skill(experiment catch):Gantu dashes towards an enemy capturing them in his capsule stunning them for 3 seconds.

Purple skill(alien tech):any time Gantu uses “net gun or experiment catch” he gains attack speed for 7 seconds.(attack speed has a chance to fail above level 41)

Red skill(alien protocols): when Gantu reaches 50% health he uses his barrier device to sheild himself for 10 seconds.( this sheild has a chance to fail above 121)
X skill power
X basic damage
X damage to “net gun”

Battle badge
X armor
X reality
Adds additional 25% basic damage to the entire team when you hit enemies with net gun

Gantu and Jumba
Gantu and zurg

Gantu and Jumba
Disc-Alien V.I.P
When any of your teammates stun an enemy you are healed a quarter of the enemies maximum health
Allies-Dr drakken,tron,lock shock and barrel, and baymax
Mission-help jumba capture all of his experiments

Gantu and zurg
Disc- hero watch
X skill power
When you hit an enemy with a range basic attack they will be marked when you kill a marked enemy you gain 200 Energy
Allies-demona, jafar, scar, and angel
Mission-prevent heros to stop there plans

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