I’m generally a whale or at least a dolphin in most mobile games I play. The current prices are pretty disheartening. $50 doesn’t even get you two 10 pulls. That seems a bit absurd and honestly if it stays that way there will be a big divide between whales (who are going to spend money regardless) and F2P who you’re trying to convince to spend money. The biggest positive I could suggest is making the special offer reset each week or let the first purchase each week be at the special offer value. So far I’ve bought all of the special offers and the return felt pretty optimal in terms of how satisfied I was. If you reset them each week or even let the first purchase each week at the special value I guarentee I will spend $50-$100 a week and many others will feel more likely to splurge. Especially when $20 at the special offer bonus is just enough for a 10 pull.
I personally think it’s okay, I don’t wanna get run over by whales. But that’s just my opinion.
I think it’s just fine, you can spend $50 to get a boost or spend 500 to surge ahead
Keeps game running
This is one of the rare games where I actually do plan to spend money on, and yeah so far the offers seem great! More special offers like a hero unlock or hero chips every week is a good idea, as long as it’s balanced enough so the paying players don’t get too ahead. A game is less enjoyable the moment you have no chance at the big leagues without handing out cash, and it makes me wanna spend less. That’s just my opinion though aha
I’ve already spent money on this game (even though I can’t play it at the moment) and plan on spending more for it as is. It is quite fun and the diamond deals are a good deal for me, as I like to use them for tinier purchases in the shops (mainly for character chips). So I plan on spending some more as the game comes out.
@Crysen Whales are going to overrun you regardless. I figure if the bonus gems deals reset weekly it won’t help F2P players but it might lower the gap between casual spenders and whales.
The biggest thing is I played Star Wars:Galaxy of Heroes and the prices for unlocks in that game are crazy. Also unlocking characters with gems gets harder the bigger the roster gets. Right now the prices with the bonus feel really good but without the bonus spending $50 doesn’t even get you two 10 pulls. I think somewhere around $20 getting you one 10 pull is probably the sweet spot. The jump from $20 to $50 is a lot and I can see a lot more non-whales making purchases if it’s an easy conversion like that.