Goose Concept (Unlikely)



Migrating from their Untitled game, the Goose is here to do one thing only; cause as much chaos as possible.

Team: Red
Role: Control
Position: Front


ENTRANCE: The Goose pokes their head out from a bush and waddles out.


VICTORY: The Goose begins rapidly flapping their wings while honking.

DEFEAT: The Goose lowers their head dejectedly before disappearing.

BASIC ATTACK: The Goose honks.


White Skill - Go Shopping :facepunch:


Passive: The Goose’s Basic Attack will hit all enemies in the frontmost row. Anytime the Goose Taunts at least one enemy, the Goose’s Armor and Reality are increased by (X).

Active: The Goose becomes Invisible and runs away. After 3 seconds, it reappears behind the Backline and honks. This startles all enemies hit, which interrupts any attacks they are casting, deals (X) damage, Silences them for 7 seconds, and additionally steals up to 2 Buffs on all affected enemies. After honking, the Goose quickly waddles back to its original spot. Enemies who lost buffs will then be Taunted by the Goose for 7 seconds.

When the Goose steals buffs in this way, it refreshes their duration and increases it by 150% of its original duration.

Green Skill - Flap Your Wings


The Goose begins flapping its wings. While using this skill, the Goose’s Armor is increased by 200% for 10 seconds, and all enemies will be too intimidated to move past them, except via Special Attacks. When an enemy does get close enough, they will back off, interrupting any attacks they are casting.

The Goose uses Flap Wings at the beginning of every wave. Flap Wings lasts for 12 seconds.

Blue Skill - Steal The Beautiful Bell


The Goose produces a beautiful miniature bell and begins to ring it by ducking up and down, which boosts the attack speed of all nearby allies by 150% and Taunts all nearby enemies for 10 seconds.

If the Goose has any buffs that did not come from themselves or an ally, this bonus is doubled.

Purple Skill - Make Them Buy Their Stuff Back

When the Goose attacks an enemy from behind, they also steal up to 300 Energy from that enemy.

Anytime the Goose steals Energy from an enemy in this way, they also Limit those enemies and Energize an ally who is not currently Energized for 6 seconds.

Red Skill - Yikes!

The Goose’s skills have an increased 50% effect on enemies suffering from any debuff. This bonus is doubled if they are also Silenced. This affects both damage and Debuff duration.

When the Goose first enters battle, it and all Frontline allies are immune to Debuffs for the first 10 seconds of battle. When the Goose blocks a debuff in this way, they steal up to 50 Energy from the enemy who would have applied that debuff.


Goose and Revali - Birds of a Feather

Silences Can’t Be Removed
Any Silences applied by the Goose cannot be removed in any way for their first 1.5 (+1.5 per star) seconds of duration.

  • Silenced enemies lose (X) Armor
  • (X) max Reality to Goose and all allies
  • (X) max Armor to Goose and all allies

Allies: Mipha, Finnick, Judy

“On a creep watch, Revali makes an interesting discovery; Creeps are terrified of Geese! He decides to take them under his wing and see what other battle prowess they might be hiding.”

Goose and Chief Bogo - Complaints By The Dozen

Removed Silences Apply Shield
Whenever any Silence is removed from an enemy, the Goose applies a Shield to the ally with the least health that lasts 3 (+3 per star) seconds. The Goose will also gain a Shield while Taunting an enemy.

  • (X) damage blocked by Shield
  • Shielded allies recover (X) health per second
  • All Shields have a 5% chance to deal (X) damage to the attacking enemy when hit

Allies: Nick, Yax, The Pixls

"The denizens of the City are fed up with the Goose’s antics! Chief Bogo has no choice but to take matters into his own hands, trying to find the Goose and get it to calm down."


Great concept :+1:


I love this game, it’s so chaotic
great concept :ok_hand:

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