The Martians, please. They will always be remembered.

They are from seasme street

Oh, sorry. I don’t watch much Muppets. But, how about you make The Swedish Chef?

Yes, I knew someone would ask for him

He is funny.

Fun fact: in the muppet show the segments where the Swedish chef would make food would involve real food


That’s funny, I used to love watching the Muppets show. And no, I am not old.

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I still love watching it, and I’m not old, I actually find it enjoyable to watch, my favorite muppet movie is muppet treasure island

I like the original Muppets movie and The Muppets, those are my favorite Muppet movies.

Crazy Harry has been released and palpatine will be released tomorrow

I think I will cancel the Star Wars villains

I am canceling all current concepts including pain and panic

That’s too bad. Why is that?

Eh, it’s getting a little boring

Does this include remakes?

Possibly, I’m not sure though

I mean, I could remake Steelbeak in the future.

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I may do him later

You just did Swedish chef so are you still doing them?

I will still do concepts, I just won’t announce them

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