Guild Crates acquire & delivery method

Dear PB team,

With the amount of stamina we buy & spend exponentially growing a few issues have arisen:

  1. One needs to use macros to spend guild influence
  2. The Guild crates obliterate the mailbox so much that it can no longer open individual mails without crashing, leaving claim all as the only option.

The way we buy guild crates and the way they are delivered to people certainly needs to be revised but it will probably take time. It would have been great if they just appear in people’s inventory, waiting to be opened.

In the mean time could I humbly ask that you set the expiry time of guild crate mails to 1 day or less (down from 7 days) and either make them claim directly or set the expiry time of the resulting item mail to 1 day or less (again down from 7 days). Currently it takes 14 days for a Guild crate to fully auto claim, that is just too long for the mailbox to handle.

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