Perk ideas. I’ve said my suggestions on normal perks I would like expanded to normal guild perks before . Now would like to take the opportunity To discuss the orange guild perks (the ones in which win guild contest coins to unlock).referring to these…
As @Jody_Caviness has pointed out in another topic, there are four more guild contest before this is full (the example above has enough coins to buy something, but just haven’t yet). So think it’s good time to start brainstorming some new ones.
1a) Consumable buy timeframe reduction and 1b) give more per buy (this 1 point is Incase it is not turned Into a normal Guild perk) this either reduces the cool down time and Gives more items per buy.
2) decrease gems per stamania buy by 10%,15%, and 20%
3) give % extra points in contests for members in guild (5% more, 10% more, and 15%more)
4. Shorter stamania recharge (5%, 10%, and 15%)
5. More mercs for hire (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) to help with endless surge
6. Increase arena and coli coins won per day (5%, 8%, 10%)
7. Increase mod upgrade, mod power , and non-mod rewards per tier (5%, 10%, 15%)
8. Increase city watch rewards including keys and red skills dropped (5%, 10%, and 15%)
At least these some of my ideas. Feel free to add others in replies.