Guild Recruitment Low

I don’t speak for every guild on server 1 but i have noticed a dip, as of late, in recruitment. I’ve also spoken to a few other leaders, of established guilds, that have noticed a drop as well. Yet everyday I see 2+ new guilds with like 1 or 2 members in each. So can every player have their own guild now? Is there nothing that Perblue can do about some of these guilds?

I think there should be more restrictions, when it comes to guild creating nowadays… or maybe more oversite for the creations?

Is anyone else having this problem? I’d feel better if I knew Perblue kept on top of a decent player-to-guild ratio but idk if they do that…

I’m just thinking feedback, out loud. Let me know your thoughts.

I haven’t really noticed guild recruitment issues, but we have lost a lot of decent players in the last two months with these overwhelming updates rolling in.

Guild Perks in theory should take care of this, starting a new guild over an established guild puts you so far behind in perks.


If that’s what those players want, why should PerBlue take away this option from them?


My guild in server 8 is experiencing the same thing. If you find any methods that might help us out, can you please tell me them?

This has always been the case. However, with the server being as OLD as it is & with the lack of NEW players to refuel its populace, recruitment was bound to slow to a crawl.

Because of this, the Top Guild ranks (not including the Top 3) have shifted quite a bit on S2. It’s hard when the audience you have to appeal to are “players unhappy in their current guild, looking for a change”. It can take ~a week or more to replenish kicks/quitters :worried: .

Anyway, another bit of feedback (which i feel needs to work in tandem with yours):
I really want PB to address the hundreds of inactive guilds. The ones with Open Acceptance & a Leader, Champion, or Officer who hasn’t been seen in weeks, but that happen to have a handful of active un-ranked members. They need to be dissolved.

New players are/were often referred to the Rankings Board when they wanted to search for a new guild (if a recruiter didn’t spot them). So, why clog the Guild Rankings with inactives? Say it with me, they need to be dissoved.


Dissolving inactive guilds does nothing really. the active players in those guilds want to be there. they could leave if they wanted, and there is always 1-2 guild posts in VIP and global chats at any time.

Maybe they should increase the cost of making a new guild to discourage making a new guild? That would be the only reasonable approach.

I think this is causing part of the problem as well. My guild on server 1 is ranked 185 and with all these top 150 guilds losing members like I am (I see tons of top guilds recruiting now), they of course are getting the players I would normally get, furthermore I’ve lost a few of my members to these higher ranking guilds which i understand. I’m not saying my guild is going down, in fact our rank went up from 205 just last week, I’m just saying it has slowed down huge lately and don’t know what to do about it. I’ve lowered my requirement to get players from some lower guilds and widen my net, so hopefully that helps but I’ve noticed stronger guilds lowering their requirements too haha I’m just trying to get recruitment back up

Well you can reach level 15 on day 1 and can start a guild right away with no experience or knowledge of how guild perks or guilds in general operate. Half these players stop playing because of this and, instead of active players filling established guilds, we have all these dead guilds with no active players. I just think they should make you wait til like lvl 30 to start your own. That way you’ve at learned for a week.

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I think I’ll have to lower my requirement to reverse this. Only thing I can think of. Also, dead guilds are annoying and wouldn’t exist if they made you wait till a higher TL to start a guild

I think Caster means when there are NO active players at all

Ok, now I get better what you mean and I must agree. Your suggestion to have different level for joining and creating guild is very sensible :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you :blush: I understand why people would want to create guilds, just think there should be some restriction.

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