Guild War Feedback Wanted!

for instance - we can beat a guild which has 4mil less power than us and gain 14 MMR points. however, losing to a guild that overpowers us by 20mil, we lose 25 points. which also means the higher guild gains more points for beating a bigger power spread because it’s all based on how many wars have been won or lost, nothing else… not quite right

@Polaris any news from the team that does the analysing work?

Since the revision, We have been constantly facing guilds within the top 10s, and have never face any other guild beyond that.

And now with 1.9.2 and so many glitches from it, war is becoming more of a chore.

Appreciate if your team could step out and at least make an official statement, rather than to keep mum about it.

Their statement was that they are discussing it but they need more than two seasons worth of data (or complaints) to evaluate and review.
May will be the 3rd season since the mmr change, but i dunno how much data they need or how much discussion it will require. All response so far has basically been, “hold tight.”

This is from Server 4’s May War. 2 Top 10 Guilds with MMR over 1300 were both kept out of Legendary while literally DOZENS of guilds under 500 MMR (some with a single player) got into Legendary. It is stuff like this that is helping me pay my bills because I don’t spend money on this game.


Matchmaking still sux, or how is it possible, that few top 10 guilds are not able to reach legendary rank, while many very inaktive guilds (only one or two active member) are able to get there. Quite frustrating.

When you clean sweep, you are the one who attacks the opponent’s room of 15 enemies and you ko all of them, which will grant you bonus points.
When you clean defend, the opponent chooses your room of 15 characters to attack and they can’t ko any of them, which will give you bonus points.

Please don’t revive topics. It gets really old

actually, technically it gets much newer :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

… okay i have no war feedback, ill go

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