Happy birthday donald duck

I was just correcting you, also I’m not trying to ruin your appreciation for Donald. Also I was just doing this for I love this duck and I know a lot of other people do. I just wanted to correct you I thought you would understand but fine flip out for something so small

Stop being so rude to my boy Grim.

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Thanks Xavier

Always happy to help.

I never said anything about this, I think your overreacting

Grim made this topic to respect Donald’s 86th birthday, which I am happy he did. He does not have all the love for Donald Duck. That is impossible. There are millions of children who also love Donald Duck, maybe more than others. I respect people who love Donald and who celebrate his 86th birthday. Walt Disney made Donald to make children happy and feel better, and I respect that. Walt wanted everyone to be happy. That is why Mickey and his pals even exist to this day.


Very inspirational, clap clap

Thank you, Walt would have been happy to see this topic.

I don’t believe I have been rude at all to grim. I don’t think I am flipping out.
I am telling him point blank his replies were unwelcome because he is wrong on both counts and it only serves as a power move to discredit someone. Why should I be “corrected”? It had nothing to do with appreciation of Donald.

Heres how to be nice about it:
That’s interesting that they introduce Gustave Goose in the serial from 1959 but they have a character from GoldKey comics with the name Gustavus Goose who is Gladstones Uncle.

Heres how to be nice about it:
Ohh I didn’t know the term Puma was interchangeable, the credits use the term Mountain Lion so thats why I “corrected” you

Seriously, I don’t want to be ganged up on further by the Regulars. I tried to post something nice cuz that camping one always makes me laugh out loud.
Just leave me alone, I am sorry I tried to join in.

So would the greatest Donald comic author, Carl barks, my favorite comic is the old castles secret

I consider this the first DuckTales adventure

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I love his Donald comics.

I know right

Were these quotes necessary?

Wow… you seem like you are trying to rephrase what he is saying to make it more nice to you.

Yes, yes you are.

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I’m sorry that I did this but we aren’t regulars and this is public, anyone can join, please understand I was only trying to tell you this because I just wanted you to understand that his name is gus and it’s a mountain lion

First, they called him a mountain lion in a goofy short

Also, do you even remember what this topic is for?

cough Donald Duck’s Bird-thday cough
(pun intended)

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Nice pun .

Thanks, you make good ones too lol

“Corrected” by being wrong is not correct. Thus the quotes.

Yes, I was attempting to rephrase it so it was nicer to me. The original was not nice at all.

“Donald’s Cousin Gus” introducing Gus(stave) Goose- its on the poster for the cartoon that I posted to help the thread. You cannot get more source than that.
Mountain Lion =Cougar=Puma they are the same thing. Puma is the correct name.

Stop coming at me and get back to Donald Duck.

Donald: Get back on topic or i’ll start dancing!

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