There is no such thing! Kindness is never FAKE.
However the person themselves may start off being two faced.
But the kindness anyone gives to another is STILL kindness non the less.
Even if someone has an alternative motive. (At first)
The Kindness it’s self is something good. (Like a seed being planted)
Even the twofaced person will have a warm feeling in their heart when they preform an act of kindness.
The more kind acts one person performs the kinder that person becomes. Practice is the way we become better at whatever we try to achieve.
I try to be kind to people even when they are not kind to me. (Yes it is very hard to do!) It’s not being fake, it’s being the first one trying to start a friendship.
If you really watch Stitch. And try to get the meaning behind the story then you or we or us all could learn to change our evil ways & truly become kind & loving beings.
Just My opinion.