Happy Stitch Day! (+Stitch Appreciation!)

You’ve never seen Lilo & Stitch?!?!?! Go watch it right now haha!
image https://media.giphy.com/media/wia198sLHFVLO/giphy.gif
But Stitch is always cool!


Well I’m to busy to and don’t own the DVD for it. But if I found the movie, I’ll watch it if I wanted to.

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Isn’t it on Netflix though

It was but Disney took it off because of their new steaming service. Luckily, it’s gonna be on Disney+ (and I have the DVD)!
image https://media.giphy.com/media/nIaOeW31UgFMs/giphy.gif
So I can party with Stitch anytime!


Well, Disney+ is part of it but that’s not the whole reason. The deal that Disney and Netflix had was that any Disney title put on Netflix would remain there for 18 months. Lilo and Stitch’s time must’ve been up. But their deal is ending. Probably by the end of the year.

Oh no. But I’m lucky I still have like 5 discs of Stitch at home

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I also have DVDs of the Stitch movies so I’m fine! I can still watch all of them! They’re all so good!

I did Count Stitch-ula yesterday, so today is BatStitch! Na na na na na na na na na na na na na BatStitch!
I loved watching Batman as a kid.


I don’t know why but I think he looks real


Stitch is real! He’s at my house and he’s cute and fluffy!

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Jumba: Lilo is stuck in her room, Stitch! What are we gonna do?

Stitch: Stitch use your head.

Jumba: But I don’t wanna use my head!

(All screaming)


No he didn’t ask TMS to share!!!

Holding my ears. Waiting on the Bomb to go off!

I feel honored you like my name so much and that you see it as a title! (Which belongs only to me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
image https://stickershop.line-scdn.net/stickershop/v1/product/6684/LINEStorePC/main.png;compress=true


Imagine if we called you Sensei Stitch lol

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Captain Ameri-Stitch! Stitch would definitely be worthy of Mjolnir!


Look at the boy


Ok. Like I’ve said before, I’m posting a drawing of Stitch in a costume everyday in October. Iron Stitch was gonna be next. Today was Captain Ameri-Stitch.

And Stitch is never dumb!

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This is hilarious
Tbh Stitches’ facial expressions are hilarious


image https://media1.tenor.com/images/5c8bf8970b5fce422d31b9fb248b5086/tenor.gif?itemid=5627042
Having a nice cup of coffee is so relaxing. This is basically me right now: laying back on a pillow, drinking my coffee.

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I wish I could have coffee

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