He’s got no strings! (Likely)

Pinocchio from Disney’s Pinocchio


Description: Pinocchio is the Main Protagonist in his film, and he is ready to become a Puppet-Swinging-Fighting Machine! Get ready for this wooden puppet because his skin is as hard as a rock!

Trial Team: Yellow
Role: Control
Position: Front-line
Stars: :star: :star:

Quote: “Right and wrong? But how will I know?”



Pinocchio walks in with Apples and Books.

Basic Attack:

Pinocchio becomes half Donkey and runs into the closest enemy.


Pinocchio dances with Wooden Puppets and smiles.


Pinocchio -Half Donkey- falls into Water and drowns.


White Skill

Pinocchio walks into the battlefield half donkey, he becomes scared and doesn’t know what he is doing and accidentally pushes into the closest enemy dealing X damage for a duration.

Meanwhile, a back-line ally, will punch the closest enemy and deal up to 5 seconds of Max HP.

Green Skill

Pinocchio dances with Wooden Puppets, he heals his weakest Ally and taunts the closest Yellow Team enemy for up to 4 seconds.

Blue Skill

Pinocchio gets help from Jiminy Cricket, Jiminy Cricket jumps onto the enemies heads, they get scared, it deals X and Y Damage for 18 seconds.

Purple Skill

Pinocchio reduces his Skill Power, “Half Donkey”s damage.

Red Skill

Pinocchio reduces his Skill Power, “Jiminy Cricket”s attack and Max HP.


Wish to be Humans

Pinocchio has always wanted to be a real boy, and Ariel always wanted to be a human, so let’s see if their dreams do come true together!

Allies: King Triton, Russell and Kevin and Simba and Nala

Luca and Alberto
Differently Unique

Luca and Alberto never knew how unique they were, but when they saw a Wooden Puppet they were shocked! These three boys and very unique

Allies: Ariel, Elsa and Anna

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