So i just wanted peoples opinions on heavy damage stopping a character from doing their animation. By this i mean the character flinching from the damage they just took. The most common case of this is with Judy Hopps Green skill deputize. The skill is used at start of combat and takes about 2 seconds to become effective ( Judy has to take her badge and throw it in the air before coming back to her which is when the skill effect takes place.) During this 2 seconds if Judy takes heavy damage then she may flinch which causes the animation to fail, causing her to start from the beggining. Other cases where this may happen include during hero active skills. For example Hiro’s megabot call, or Moana’s shield.
The thing i want to know is if other people think that this is a balanced mechanic. In my opinion I believe it is unbalanced as if it happens constantly then it can rend a hero like Judy useless.
I’ve seen this happen to shank’s green skill and Maui’s white and blue also. I agree one time activation skills should grant invulnerability. Some of them already do, such as jack sparrow’s blue and mr incredible’s blue.
Yesss! Unbalanced
Like “sonic belch” Mike’s attacks
PS: Mike need some upgrade. And new heroes so much agressive… The balance of game go away
I just wish I knew exactly how to flinch a character
Other than that, it’s simply another tool you use when on manual. Things can get hard as it is, the ability to use your hard hitting white skills to flinch an enemy is often crucial and part of the learning curve
I think to cause a character to flinch the character has to be dealt a certain percentage of their max health in damage. For me i was thinking like 20% of their max health, but it will be hard to test. Like someone says, a lot of white skills can cause flinching as they deal alot of damage, the most obvious example i can think of is callohauns laser blast.
I thought it happens when you get a critical hit?