Heists and City Watch

I don’t think I’m the only one when typing this, but I think everyone wants harder heists mode, and city watch perhaps. could be just me

Heist is way too easy.
R4 vs Y12 is no fun.

And the rewards are outdated.


I haven’t seen complaints about CW being too easy before, only the contrary…

Heist however has been asked many times

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that’s exactly what i mean, they have the time to bring out new heroes but not even harder heists that offer more tokens and everything.

130 Heist = 4,500 Disk Power
145 Heist = 6,000 Disk Power
160 Heist = 8,000 Disk Power
175 Heist = 10,000 Disk Power
190 Heist = 12,500 Disk Power
205 Heist = 15,000 Disk Power
220 Heist = 20,000 Disk Power
235 Heist = 30,000 Disk Power
250 Heist = 50,000 Disk Power
265 Heist = 75,000 Disk Power
280 Heist = 100,000 Disk Power
295 Heist = 150,000 Disk Power
310 Heist = 200,000 Disk Power

This is the way!


A pleasant dream, to be sure.


honestly lol, but no all they care about is making you pay $$$ for disk power.

it really is, just a shame they don’t listen to us.


And they never will, accept it or leave the game, that’s it.

I’m sure everytime loutre gives the feedback “to the team” everything stops for a second and then everybody starts to laugh


Community feedback means nothing unless their is a % drop in revenue. If that happens then they would look at feedback and what changes implemented that could have caused a loss in revenue. Everything else people complain about means nothing if it can’t be shown to equate to revenue %. They make a lot more from new people entering and spending 1-5$ than on whales.


This isn’t true! The community feedback is very important. I do not see our revenue and bring feedback to the team as I see it come in.

I am glad to hear the team value feedback from us players Loutre :-).

However, I think the problem is that we don’t feel like the feedback is taken seriously and actually the feedback having an effect on the game in regards to most things beside specific feedback posts on modes.

To us players it doesn’t seem like our feedback have any effect on the game at all most of the time, especially in terms what we players really want like new Guild Perks in order to keep us busy and have something to aim for as a guild.

To us players it feels like revenue comes first and if there are a slight fear of revenue dip/reduction, that feedback from us players will be discarded and not be taken seriously.
This doesn’t create a good experience for us players, what the game has come to be is the fact that the economy my design of only allowing 5-15 characters to be focused on without paying real money, so it basically means we players can’t focus on the characters we like characters wise and just have to follow the meta. This creates same-y teams which aren’t all that interesting.

In regards to meta, every character from 2018 and 2019 should at least be brought up to 2020 stats, as in making them useable. Not meta, but useable at least.
Revenue wise I don’t think this will have a long term damage as people will more likely invest in characters they might not have otherwise invested in, even if it might affect the revenue a bit in the short term I think in the long run it would be beneficial revenue wise.

It isn’t about you sending the feedback to the team and reading it, it is about the feedback actually being implemented into the game which is really rare and basically only when asking in terms of modes, like we want to feel like our feedback actually matter.
While not going to say that’s the actual truth that’s PerBlue doesn’t care at all about the players feedback and just cares about revenue, but that’s what it feels like to us players often which is something to keep in mind and take seriously for the future.
Might already have things in the works, and looking forward to the community feedback related improvements ^^.

Might be an idea to list upcoming improvements based on player feedback in the State of the Game post, should be a thing we players are happy to see and feel like our feedback is actually valued :-).

With all this said, I hope it is going okey for you Loutre and that your family will be fine :-).


well i’m sorry to say but I don’t believe that, the community has spoken up on so many things, but I rarely see people are listened to. Even when they are, normally it doesn’t happen.

@loutre …this , exactly this… people have been making suggestions for years in game, on the forums and support tickets for guild perks , new game features etc. but to be frank all we get is “we passing the feedback back” replies no action, no “that wouldnt work because of xxxx” replies. It’s very discouraging and very nonengaging to your player base.

In fact most of us feel like our suggestions are laughed at and thrown into the virtual trash can.
(And not saying all should be listened to either… like I personally think cw is too difficult but respect other peoples’ opinions on the matter)

Again not arguing the purpose of a company is to make money, but to the players it seems that’s ALL that matters to perblue. Especially when the same issues like chat disappearing bugs, lack of new guild perks, taking away badge booster crates to lowering score systems for ftn contests so that the average nonspender player can’t get the tier rewards etc are in place.
Heck even seeing players with negative total team scores is disheartening to see even though it’s a known bug , doesn’t mean shouldn’t go unfixed.

I get people love seeing new toons, but sometimes I wish the toons would stop for a month or so and quality of life improvements to the game took priority even for the most simplest things like new guild perks, being able to see total team power of a person just by clicking on their profile underneath how many days they played etc.

Sometimes it just seems the players have more passion with the game then … well you can see where going with that , no need to spell it out. We just want to see that our voices are heard instead of feeling we being laughed at. Thank you.


I believe this sometimes has to do with connection issues.


When I say ‘it’s a known bug’ this means it is being worked on for a fix.

They are absolutely being heard and nothing is laughed at. It can take time to see action being done from your feedback and on my side all I can do is promise that I share it with the team.

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Why I believe you do share our feedback to the team, things take too long to change :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: that’s what bothers us. Why can’t you guys speed things up? A lot of problems have been in this game since the start that makes me believe you guys want it stay that way :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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