Hello, My Baby concept

Michigan J Frog

Stars: :star::star::star:
Trial Team: Blue
Position: Front-line Tank

A regular while being watched but, when no one’s around, he becomes the greatest showman that performs on stage

Entrance: Hops into battle
Victory: Gets into the show-biz spirit
Defeat: Gets shocked

Basic Attack: Drops a spotlight to the backmost enemy, dealing X damage and energizing the ally with the lowest speed

White Skill: Show Stopper

Switches stances between Croaker or Crooner, increasing his basic attack and deals X damage to a random enemy
At the start of battle, his stance is crooker

Green Skill: Stage Fright

After Show Stopper is used
Croaker : Locks himself in a box, gaining invincibility for 5 seconds
Crooner : Increases his armor and sings, dealing X damage, stuns the enemy with the highest energy and charms the enemy with the highest speed for 5 seconds

Blue Skill: Born Entertainer

Every 7 seconds, dodges a melee of attacks. While dodging, he blinds and studies the nearest enemy for 4 seconds. If he is on Croaker, he deals X damage over time to the nearest enemy for 3 seconds. If he is on Crooner, cleanses all allies and increasing his team’s armor by X

Purple Skill: Hearts on Fire

Whenever an enemy is charmed, blinded or Ko’d, deals X damage and distracts a random enemy. If he is defending on war, saps the blinded enemy

Red Skill: Frog in your Throat

Whenever Hearts on Fire is used, hexes the control enemy for 7 seconds. If there are no control enemies, then saps all enemies instead for 3 seconds. Stage Fright now no matter if he is on croaker or crooner, cleanses his team and increasing his speed and Max HP by X

Increased Max HP
Increased Attack
Increased Armor

Battle Badge Bonuses
Increased Armor
Increased Crit Chance
Born Entertainer now energizes himself


Michigan J Frog/ Clawhauser
Campaign: Cute Frog Pet
Allies: Judy, Hamm, Helga
Disk: Dance Party
Disk Effect: Increased Attack
Increased Armor
Increased Damage over time

Michigan J Frog/ Powerline
Campaign: Show-biz on the stage
Allies: Woody, Jessie, Anger
Disk: Stage fright
Disk Effect: Increased Reality
Increased Skill Power
Increased Attack


Based on the last concept here’s the concept

:expressionless: What? Why? That should not be part of the basic attack…


Was this meant to be Croaker or Crooner? Or did you decide to add another stance randomly?

Most of the time all enemies will be at the same speed so how would this skill work then?

For how long?

No, no, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

No hero would ever have a skill that changes between modes

It’s not your worst concept and some parts are pretty clever but you’re still making random choices that make no sense.


Another stance
Not random

With orders, they’re just lame

3 seconds

The numbers are just a little

If there are same, then just random

I just love this concept

Welcome @LoL_Taz

Glad you like it

  1. You should have said this before in that other post where you reviewed Slinky’s review or at least edited it
  2. I see what you mean when you say it’s rude, but it was probably not intended to be rude.

a new word in the dictionary? what does it mean?

Spelling error, sorry

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