Hero Chips

Can we please have a way to exchange, sell, or trade extra hero chips? Once a character is at 5 stars they just stock up and we can not do anything with them.


Maybe eventually they’ll go up to 6 stars. You never know. :slight_smile:

There are some missions that require certain hero chips to start.

Really? What kind? Can you please share a screenshot, please?

Perblue will never go to 6 stars ever. This is my 3rd game made by them that I’ve played and they’ve never done that.

What they will do once orange gets here is make heroes “epic” or some variation. Once that happens they’ll use the extra hero chips to build the heroes up. Just be patient and dont sell them off.

They’ll bring in a Chipmart where you sell the chips to buy items in that store only. 100 points per chip.

Being able to do anything other than sell them will just make the pay to win players have an even bigger advantage, as they’ll just trade all their spares for ones they don’t have and have the whole roster 5* within weeks. They already get access to the ones in VIP chests that others don’t, it’d borderline break the game if they could exchange all the extras for other toons (and would cost Perblue money, as they wouldn’t be buying chests)

The option to sell them will come soon enough though, they probably don’t envisage many people have surplus chips yet, once loads of people have lines of full five stars the shop will come. I don’t even have a 4* yet, and I’m level 54.

Here’s a screenshot that shows two missions that need hero chips. :wink:

Oh thank goodness it’s the hero chips, of the heroes that you are actively using. This is nothing but good news. I thought this was going to involve getting other hero chips.

I can’t confirm if they are all that way but I’m assuming they are. (I haven’t gotten any others that far yet.)

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