Golden Freddy
[Picture of the character, preferably with a transparent background]
The one you should not have killed has finally arrived in the city, and they will get their revenge.
“garbled electronic noises”
Role: support
Position: midline
Trials Team: yellow
Basic Attack: golden Freddy will sit still, applying a constant scare to the opponents
Entrance: golden Freddy will flicker into existence
Victory: the spirits inside golden Freddy will move on
Defeat: golden Freddy will flicker out of existence
White Skill: It’s me
Passive: golden Freddy cannot attack, instead applying scare to all enemies
Active: a random enemy will begin to hallucinate, applying a stun to them for 4 seconds and doing X fantastic damage over time while stunned
This stun has a chance to fail against enemies above level X
Green Skill: eternal grudge
Golden Freddy will be invincible until his allies are all KO’D
Blue Skill: the one you should not have killed
If golden Freddy is KO’D then he will revive with 50% HP and be able to perform basic attacks, he will also gain X skill power and Y basic damage, the permanent scare remains and his basic attacks do fantastic damage
Purple Skill: apparition
For 5.0 seconds after reviving, golden Freddy will be beserk and have 100% more movement speed
Red Skill: vengeance
Enemies scared by golden Freddy have their reality reduced by X and will always take fantastic damage, with certain exceptions (immunities), golden Freddy is also immune to scare
The reality reduction has a chance to fail against enemies over level X
- X reality
- X armour
- 1.0 seconds to beserk after revival
Souls united
Golden Freddy and 22
Scares also affect normal damage
Disk Power
+X reality
Normal damage has a 20% extra chance to crit against enemies scared by golden Freddy
(20% per star)
Allies: Ursula, Dr facillier the horned king