Hero concept: Joe Gardner

Quote: “Music is all I think about. From the moment I wake up in the morning to the moment I fall asleep at night.”
Joe Gardner is anything but your average middle school band teacher! Armed with an upbeat personality and a toe-tapping tune, Joe will secure a win for your team!

Stars: 1
Position: Back
Team: Blue
Role: Support
Entrance: Joe swaggers onto stage
Victory: Joe takes a bow
Defeat: Joe rubs his temples

Basic attack: Joe plays a tune on his piano and Heals for x hp

White skill: Swingin’ Song
Joe’s piano appears in front of him and he plays a cheery tune, boosting his allies Confidence and providing a Shield for his two allies with the lowest hp

Green skill: Music Mastery
Joe plays a mellow, sad tune that slows all enemies basic attacks for x seconds and Cleanses himself

Blue skill: Clamorous Chord
Joe plays a loud chord, Silencing all enemies for x seconds and Scaring the enemy who last attacked him for x seconds

Purple skill: Full Of Soul
When Joe is KO’d, he transforms into his Soul version and runs offscreen. He then returns as a human with x% hp left. His piano disappears and returns when he does

Red skill: Born To Play
When Joe uses Music Mastery, he Cleanses his entire team and adds x stacks of Perseverance


I Got The Gig
Joe has been auditioning for the music spot in the muppets talent show. One day, Joe receives a letter telling him he won the spot! Joe heads to the Muppet Theatre and sees lots of musicians. Kermit, head of the theatre, introduces himself to Joe.
Partner: Kermit the Frog
Allies: Sarah Sanderson, Animal, Miguel
Disc icon: Microphone
Disc function: When Joe uses Swingin’ Song, he dodges all disables

Back Again
While at the market, Joe hears talk of a rebellious individual causing mischief at the world history museum, vandalizing the walls and writing slogans about anti-earth. Joe has a suspicion about who is behind this…
Partner: 22
Allies: Dash, Snow White, Lilo
Disc icon: Spray Paint
Disc function: When Joe uses Clamorous Chord, he Distracts the frontmost enemy for x seconds

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Slow down buddy, don’t start spamming again.


This sounds pretty awesome I love this


Thank you so much!!!

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Your welcome so much :slightly_smiling_face::blue_heart::grin::blue_heart::blush::blue_heart:

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