Hero Forum/Creativity Forum

Ha. Try making a skillset for that little bugger :joy:

And Nemo concepts are difficult, since they live in water. I once saw someone make a pretty creative Marlin & Dory concept by having them sitting in Nigel’s water-filled mouth. But still, nice.


Well, I remember seeing one nice Dory/Hank one :octopus:


Phil, :star2::star2:, Support

“Reign it in, rookie! You can get away with mistakes like those in the minor decathalons, but this is the big leagues!”

Basic Attack: Phil punches the closest enemy with a boxing position.

•White, Use Your Head: Phil backs up and rams into the enemies, damaging all frontline enemies and stunning them for two seconds. Phil is also shielded for eight seconds.
•Green, Goat Appetite: Phil pulls out a bowl filled with various foods such as fruit. He then shrugs, throwing the food and taking a massive bite of the bowl, healing himself for Y HP.
•Blue, Fighting Techniques: If a frontline ally receives an attack that deals damage that exceeds 33% their Max HP, the ally gains 300% attack speed for four seconds and 400 energy.
•Purple, One Last Hope: If two of Phil’s allies are KO’d, he shields himself and his allies for seven seconds. This triggers again if another ally dies. If Phil or his next ally dies, the other hero will become invincible for four seconds.

Hercules, Physical Trainer
°+X Armor.
° +200 starting energy. +200 energy per star.

:black_small_square:Entrance: Phil angrily waddles to the midline, snorting and angry that he has to face the creeps.
:black_small_square:Victory: Phil cheers, praising his allies for defeating the enemy.
:black_small_square:KO: Phil’s jaw drops in surprise. He then literally goes red with rage, stomping his feet.


That . . . That’s actually pretty good. Mind if I use that @Prince_Aamir?


:grin: i don’t mind at all

And i did nemo in @Prince_Aamir’s character wishlist

I bet Isabell will be a good asset to become a secret agent, despite the girls’ action experience. This will be more interesting in her friendship.

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Do you mind sharing the link?

I don’t know how

Could you tell me how @NCTzen_Haechan

Here’s some ideas

Nemo :star2::star2:
“You have to tell all the fish to swim down”
A midline support

APPEARANCE: Based on finding nemo. Nemo is in a fishbowl to move he hits the side to move.

ENTRANCE: Nemo rolls in a small clear plastic bag pushing a fish bowl into his position and then he pops a hole and jumps into the water.

VICTORY: Nemo swirls in the fish bowl and hops out smiling.

DEFEAT: Nemo’s bowl runs out of water leaving Nemo on his side breathing heavily.

White: fish slap
Nemo hops out of the bowl and slaps a enemy with his fins dealing normal damage and stuns the enemy for 5 seconds.

Green: Bubble
Nemo blows a bubble shielding an ally from X damage for 7 seconds and making their basic attacks inflict soaked for 3 seconds.

Blue: make a splash
Nemo jumps out of the bowl and splashes enemies dealing fantastic damage and inflicting “soaked” for 6 seconds.

Soaked decreases their attack power by 30% and movement speed by 60%

Purple: Lucky fin
Nemo gains 10% attack speed for each enemy soaked.


Moana, “Amazing sealife”
• Make a splash silences for 1.5 × S seconds.
• increased skill power

Judy, “doing what is right”
• whenever Nemo has a debuff Nemo heals allies 5% × S.
• increased armor

Dory and hank :star2:
“You don’t remember what we were talking about?” “um. Yeah, what were we talking about?”
A frontline damage duo

APPEARANCE: Based on finding dory

ENTRANCE: Hank comes in a car And he gets in his position and comes out with dory in a filled water bottle.

VICTORY: Dory smiles in her water bottle and hank takes a bow

DEFEAT: Hank falls dropping dory’s water and it spills leaving Dory on her side breathing heavily.

White: Septapus smash
Hank punches enemies with his 7 tenticals dealing fantastic damage and knocking them back.

Green: Ink splash
Hank squirts ink into the enemies blinding them for 4 seconds and dealing normal damage.

Blue: short term memory loss
Dory forgets what she just said cleansing her from all Debuffs this happens every 15 seconds.

Purple: just keep swimming
Dory and hank have 10% more attack and movement speed.


Baymax, memory checkup
• Dory and hank gains 2 × S seconds of invincibility whenever short term memory loss triggers.
• increased max hp

• ink splash inflicts soaked for 2 × S seconds
• increased reality and basic damage

I hope this inspires you @The_Ambassador

P.S. this is a reworked version


For the white skill of Dory and hank i could not decide pls help

  • Septapus smash
  • Whale call

0 voters

Nemo’s role

  • Support
  • Control

0 voters

And Dory and hank’s role

  • Damage
  • Tank

0 voters

And i need help with Nemo’s purple skill.

Ideas for Nemo’s white:

  • Nearby allies have a % chance to soak with their attacks
  • “Fish Slap” reduces the max HP of hit enemy
  • Enemies that damage Nemo are soaked

“Bubble” isn’t unique in the slightest, it’s just torn out of EVE or Flynn
“Fish Slap” is insanely UP. Other characters have executes, triple charms, invincibility, max hp increases, and Nemo does some damage and has a very minor stun which likely won’t affect the battle at all. Maybe rework those skills entirely?

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Ok :neutral_face: just say it’s UP it needs to be reworked. Not “rework those skills completely”

It’s actually kinda rude…

Do you even like my skillsets @PawpsicleSticks or @The_Ambassador ??

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I like your skill sets!

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Thank you @Wave9Nut

At least someone does


You’re taking it the wrong way. This is meant as constructive criticism. I’m saying maybe put a little more thought into them and not cut and paste a Frankenstein hero. One thing that helps me is writing down original ideas on a piece of paper, for example having a purely passive white skill. Playing other games is also a good source for unique ideas. Another option is to reverse the effect of another hero’s unique ability. Something to keep in mind is tenacity and level differences, meaning a 3-second stun would be useless on anything 3 levels higher. A good thing to avoid is purely damage skills, as they make for a bland hero and lack originality. I posted a general guide for each role a while back, I’ll go dig for it and post a link.

EDIT: The link in question


You never answered my question

Do you like my skillsets @PawpsicleSticks

It wasn’t the best, but that’s why I’m trying to help. :wink:

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Just because this post marks the 100th reply on this topic, I thought I’d open up a poll for possible new characters for us to brainstorm about. What I’ve considered doing is gathering a small team of good concept writers who are interested in making a single concept by multiple people, as a way to maximize the quality. So instead of many, mediocre concepts, we can put our heads together to make many high-quality concepts.

  • Mulan
  • Ratatouille
  • Emperor’s New Groove
  • Gravity Falls
  • Big Hero 6
  • Lion King
  • Inside Out
  • Cars
  • UP
  • Princess & the Frog

0 voters

Feel free to ask questions if it’s a bit confusing!


I’ve decided to make some concepts of my own!


Joy is a ☆☆ Support hero
Entrance: The Tube from headquarters comes down from the sky and drops Joy down. She lands on her feet with a smile.
Victory: A Joy Memory orb falls down from the tube she catches it and looks at it grinning
K.O.: A Sadness memory falls from the tube she catches and falls to her knees on the ground and cries

White Skill: Happy Times
Passive: Instead of a basic attack Joy ‘Charms’ the furthest back enemy every 8 seconds for 3 seconds.
This has a chance to fail on enemies above level_.
Active: Joy Applies the affect ‘Happiness’ onto the ally with the least HP for 2 Seconds.
This has a chance to fail on Allies above level _.

Green Skill: Energetically Joyful
Joy and All Allies with debuffs have there attack speed increased by 250% for _ seconds, the amount of seconds is also the amount of Energy Joy gains.
This has a chance to fail on Allies above level _.

Blue Skill: It’s ok to cry
The first time Joy is K.O.ed she revives with ___% of her original starting health and the affect ‘Hapiness’ and ‘Invincibility’ for 4 seconds.

Purple Skill: Healling Happiness
Every Single Time Joy applies ‘Happiness’ to her allies before she Uses her Blue Skill, is the exact amount of seconds all of her allies have ‘Happiness’ after she Uses her Blue Skill


Happiness: All damage is reduced by 50% and turned into Healling (If you are Invincible and Have Happiness at the same time, the damage you would have received is reduced by 50% and turned into Healling). (Example: A Brute Creep deals let’s say 100 damage every time they hit Joy, so when Joy Aplies Happiness to herself she heals 50 every time the Brute hits her)

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