DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

@Loutre I wanna emphasize this. His purple isn’t working at all

I know perblue was supposed to start winter break today. Does that mean he won’t be fixed until it’s over?

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It was a lot of backend things going on with her that broke and would be a 2+ day investigation into what was going on there so we decided this was the best route to take since today is the first day of our break and we don’t come back until Jan 2nd. I’m only working today to keep track of how things are looking, but everyone else is off.

Yes, unfortunately. Obviously not an ideal situation we wanted here.


It’s understandable. Thanks for the reply


I just hope her skillset will return to normal (exactly as it was at start) after the break, and the Fairy disk will get that cap which I mentioned or something.
She was really fun to use in game, pity.


Who exactly? Olaf? And how does Elsa feel now?

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Merry Christmas and Happy 4.5-A!

  • Added Cinderella!
    • Includes the nerf; pre-nerf position was mentioned above: S-tier
  • New 9 Hero Refreshes introduced!
    • Enjoy new-old S-tier hero!
  • Some heroes movements
  • [New Feature] :butterfly: icon means the hero has something (bigger) bugged and their final position on the tier list is significantly decreased
    • As for now: Joy, Bellwether, Donald, and Cinderella
  • Christmas decorations added
  • Problems with strong heroes?

Hooray for S tier Kristoff!

And I figured Olaf would need more help than what he got. Hopefully a full refresh comes in the future.


I still think you’ve been a bit too hard on Magica, she does deserve A tier imo.
And well Launchpad should have both disks but eh

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How I hoped that Olaf and Elsa would be pulled to S after the update, eh…

Hiro disk is way too specific to be generally good.

  1. Must be control hero
  2. Must apply stuns
  3. Preferable to be a red team hero
  4. The stun needs to be applied
  5. Launchpad himself doesn’t gain anything.

DW disk is always good to use.

She only needs fantastic crit. As soon she will get it via badges, she will move to S-tier.
Olaf… as long he is way better now, his skillset is still empty comparing to most heroes.


He gains the skill power, which increases all of his skills, including his purple since it’s a core buff to his own stats. Nevermind he doesn’t.

Though… pretty much any red team hero that scales on skill power will benefit from it. And there are a lot


Yeah, but next to it, you have a disk which gives big BD and armor boost to everyone, always.

And that armor is enough to reduce Baymax’s damage too.

Kristoff is now the best SP source.

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@Musketeer Because bellwether has a butterfly, what is his mistake?

Um… :neutral_face:

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Better than Miguel???


Kristoff on sever 23, I don’t know about server 1 but can’t he with mods provide over 100 million SP to the whole team at start? I’m betting that’s one of the reasons why.

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and that’s still without maxed red skill.


Holy sweet baby Jesus

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Is Elsa’s Olaf disk not worth it against the frozone one? Server 23 it adds over 100 million shield for the beginning for your tanks and there’s so many good tanks now than before. Or do you think the Freeze length is still the best option.

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What does the star icon mean?

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