
And the fact that the adult versions of kermit, animal, gonzo and miss piggy are already in the game

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Yes they could be pretty cringey, but the magic of them were how easily they got stuck in your head, but let’s get back on-topic

I don’t think the alternate word of :poop: is allowed

It’s because you will say something rude, break the rules, or say something that gets you chat silenced
 I would just delete the ones you get blocked for.

Yes, back to Meet the Robinsons.

I think the only characters from that movie that might be added in this game (assuming they ever do add them, of course) would be Lewis, Bowler Hat Guy + Doris, and maybe Wilbur (although he seems like the least likely option of the three imo).

Then I just won’t talk at all then

Bowler Hat Guy is probably one of the most amazing names for a cartoon character of all time.

Lol I like how the hat is his one defining trait. Apparently no one else in either the present or the future wears bowler hats?

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Technically this should be in #feedback-corner:hero-wish-list, but @Space_Ranger_Dug_XVII can just remember that for next time.

Let’s not jump to the extreme conclusions, but yeah.

I agree that Disney Jr. should not be in game.


@Xavier_The_Great Thanks!

On yeah that would be the guy nicknamed “goob”

@Imagineer_V is there anyway this whole topic can be moved to the proper love without having to copy and paste the entire thing?

Yes there is if you edit the first post. You just change the category like you had to when you created the topic.

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Is DisneyXD Disney? Just wanna know
 I mean like is it related?

Don’t necropost, but yes it is

Though some shows are not really Disney, including those from the Anime Block and (becomes nauseous) Player Select

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