

Trial color: Yellow

Nick is an amazing hero. He is really good at giving SP so let’s take a closer look at him.


White skill: Lemming Rush

Nick summons a business lemming with a pawpsicle who deals x amount of damage to all enemies. Each time Nick uses this ability, an additional lemming is summoned, up to a max of 5. Each extra lemming does x amount of damage to all enemies.
Nick keeps his lemmings between waves of a fight.

•This skill skill is Able to do a good amount of damage. But the real charm of this skill comes once u unlock Nicks red skill.

Green skill: Shuriken Pops

Nick pulls out some stashed pawpsicles and flings three of them at the closest enemies dealing x amount of damage with each hit.

•This skill is good. It hits multiples enemy’s and can do a good amount of damage.

Blue skill: Charming Fox

Nick uses his skills of persuasion to charm the closest enemy to fight on his side for 7 seconds. While charmed, the target’s basic attacks do x amount of bonus damage.

•This charm is nice. It can help u in battle.

Purple skill: Proper Reinforcements

Nick gains x amount of skill power for every ally left standing, including charmed opponents. He also gains x amount of skill power for every lemming his “Lemming Rush” has accumulated.

•The amount of SP Nick can get is amazing making him more stronger but the actuall charm to this skill comes once u unlock the red skill.

Red skill: Lemming Daze

“Lemming Rush” stuns enemies for 2 seconds per lemming and removes x amount of armor per lemming for 13 seconds.
Nick shares 35% of his skill power with allies.
The stun has a chance to fail against enemies above X level
Additional Stat Boosts:

•+273973 Damage from “Lemming Rush”
•+190454 Skill Power
•+156891 Basic Damage

•This is the skill that makes Nick a Hero worth upgrading. The amount of skill power he can share with allies is AMAZING making allies stronger. Using Purple SP upgraded mods the amount of SP nicks give will be higher.

Friendship disk:

Yax (43)
Wild Flamingo Chase
Boosts Charm

• X amount of Skill Power
•This hero’s charm lasts 30% longer"Charming Fox" has 30% shorter cooldown

Judy Hopps (53)
Street Art Shuffle
Shields Allies

•+ X amount of Max HP
•+ X amount of Skill Power
•Shields first ally for x% of Nick’s HP at start of each wave

lets break both of this disk down a bit.

Yax disk: While the charming boost seems nice Nick is speciality is not charming and the amount of SP he gets from this disk is not as good as the Judy disk.

Judy disk: he gets a nice HP boost that helps him and the amount of SP he gets its nice. The bad thing about this disk is the shield. With the Anti shield meta going on this disk can make the enemy have a bit of an advantage.

Over all the best disk is the Judy disk.


While Nick is amazing he still has some Cons that go against him pretty hard so let’s talk about them.

  1. Nick HP is not really that great and that makes him a really squishy Hero.
    • To prevent him dying fast u could pair him with healer like linguini,Rapunzel, Li shang and others to heep his HP up.

  2. The speed of his Basic attack is to slow.
    • u can slightly fix this by using heroes that give speed boost like animal and li shang and some others.

  3. While he can do a good amount of damage his damage output is still to litte
    • A refresh would be nice and here is an idea that @Phal gave:

  • Basic attack speed increased by 30%.
  • Lemming Rush resets cooldown of Shuriken Pops.
  • Shuriken Pops steals 250 energy from each target.
  1. Nick is really only good once u get his red skill.

While Nick has some Cons he is still really useful and worth upgrading. The amount of SP that he can give is AMAZING.

@Musketeer helped with this overview.

Hope y’all like it.
Feel free to comment and let’s respect each others.


Nice guide :+1:

Appreciate the fact that you used my idea for that minor buff :grin:

Actually, I was planning to use that for something else that will be published… soon enough. Hope you won’t mind if I still do.

1 Like

Of course I would @ u. Credit to who credit deserve.

Not at all. More people helping the comunity it’s always positive. I’ll be looking forward to seeing it.


Keeping this in mind, I am going to voice my opinion.

This whole guide just doesn’t feel worth the time it took to read. All your info is correct, but it is also commen sense. I feel like the team building advice, comes solely from @Musketeer, who is known for including Nick on his main teams. Aside from that, nothing in this guide is worth a hoot, and if I wanted to know Phaldow’s refreshes opinions, I could go to his thread and look at them. I know you think you can just post a big fancy post renaming what everyone knows, mention a collaboration with two regulars, and expect to rake in the likes, but you won’t be getting one from me. I hope you will instead find your own voice, and your own way to make your threads interesting.



1.I’m not doing this for attention. I’m doing it as a way to help new players and the whole comunity.

  1. I wrote everything my self and then PM musketer for a review. He said everything was Rigth and gave me the idea to use what Phaldow wrote.

I respect ur opinion.

I also did a overview all ready alone.
That just got updated.

here… I did nothing.

Yes… true…

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