Horrid Lorries Unlikely Hero Concept

Horrid Lorries

Description: These rude vehicles have decided to speed in the battlefield, with nothing but rude demeanor and carless attitude to the enemies team.

Quote: ‘‘What’s that steaming lump of scraps iron doing here, be off with you’’
Star: :star: :star:
Role: Damage
Position: Backline
Trial Team: Yellow


Entrance: The Lorries would be already waiting in the field talking to each other, only to notice the enemy and soon each Lorries grin at them.

Victory: The Lorries would start laughing and cackling at the enemy-line.

Defeat: Each Lorries slowly breaks down and then the Lorries glare at the enemy team.


Basic Attack: {Passive} For their basic attacks, Each of the Lorries will look smugly at 3 random enemies separately. dealing X Normal Damage.

White Skill: Reckless Speed:
The Horrid Lorries soon start to rev their engine and each Lorries target 3 random enemies on the field. Each Lorries drive towards their targeted enemy at high speed, dealing X Normal Damage and applying Stun for 3 seconds.

The Horrid Lorries are untargetable while passing by the enemies.

The Stun has a chance to fail against enemy above level Y.

Green Skill: Just You Toodles Off:
One of the Lorries insults the two front most enemy, causing them to Decrease 40% of their Movement Speed and Armor for 6 seconds. As well apply 2 Stack of Decay for 8 seconds.

The Decay have a chance to fail on enemies above Level Y.

Blue Skill: Damage Aftermath:
After being Ko by the enemy, the enemy team would receive an Armor Decrease by 50% and 2 Stack of Decay for 12 seconds.

Purple Skill: Horrid Commentary:
Enemy damage by their Basic Attack gets their disabled duration extended by 2 more seconds.

Enemy affected"Just You Toodles Off" can now have their Buff remove from them and get Silence for 5 seconds.

The Buff Removal and Silence have a chance to fail on enemies above Level Y.

Red Skill: Rotten Vehicle:
The Lorries does 40% more damage to disabled enemies with their Basic Attack and “Reckless Speed”.

When the Lorries uses “Damage Aftermath”, the ally with the most HP becomes invincible for 5 seconds. All other allies gain Z Armor increase for 8 seconds.

The invincibility has a chance to fail on allies above level Y.

• + Z Basic Attack
• + Z Skill Power
• + Z Bonus Damage to “Reckless Speed”


[Horrid Lorries and Salty]
Description: As Percy was arriving at the brendam dock to pick some delivery, he soon saw the Three Lorries who was being unloaded by cranky from a ship. This cause Percy to be shock as he remember how horrid they were, but Salty came right beside Percy and explain that they be working on the dock now as they need an extra hand for the upcoming delivery for this weekend. Of course the Lorries thought that this was a piece of cake for them and this is their chances for revenge for the engine after their incidents, but unbeknownst to the Lorries this dockyard was more chaotic than they thought it would be.

Disk Name: Harbor Hassle
Disk Power:
• + X Tenacity to Horrid Lorries and his Allies
• + X Armor to Horrid Lorries and his Allies

• Before using “Reckless Speed” the Lorries gain an X Basic Attack Increase for 5/6/7/8/9 seconds to himself.

Allies: Porter, Donald, Douglas


[Horrid Lorries and Lock, Shock, & Barrel]
Description: The Lorries were trying to plan an idea to get revenge on the engines for them humiliating them on their jobs over 3 month in this city. As they were thinking, three little children came over to the Lorries and told that they overheard their plan of vengeance and decided to help them as they enjoyed causing as much mayhem as they can, especially if Oogie is going to be involved in their plans.

Disk Name: Triple The Threats
Disk Power:
• + X Basic Attack
• + X Tenacity
• + Horrid Lorries gain 15% of Attack Speed Increase.

• Enemies that are affected by “Damage Aftermath” while they are Scared or Curse have their Skill Power Decrease by 40%/50%/60%/70%/80% for 8 seconds.

Allies: Oogie Boogie, Mr. Incredible, Violet

“‘TOODLE’?!”, spluttered Toby.

Oh goodness, I have a bad feeling about this… :sweat_smile:

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