How can I celebrate my Avatar, Borders & skills on discourse?

This badge makes me smile!

I loved this Pooh story as a kid and now. And I can relate to Pooh here: eating too much


Yes, I cried on that movie.

Now for the next dream avatar, I want the Kiss the Girl avatar scene with the mermaid border. Perfect!

Oh that’s a nice one. I’m happy with mine at the moment but I would love one of the space avatars. And of course more Stitch and Pooh avatars would be great!

I think this movie was not that great. It had some cute parts but it was not all that great. It was kinda disconnected as to the dinosaurs were growing corn & would have had to have tools & hands to make some items.

Anyway @NCTzen_Haechan it was not very believable. Just too many reasons why to mention.

Like I said it had some really cute parts but it didn’t leave me with a lasting impression.

Sorry Just My opinion

Yeah this movie wasn’t the greatest of Pixar’s work. And there’s the hallucinations scene…

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Yeah, I didn’t like it much.

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I’ve heard some talk about lips on the forum. Are these lips worth talking about?


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Those lips have red lipstick, lip size: about 2-2.5 inches, female… my study is complete

…hmmm imma say, no.

I’m having a balloon being with you guys! Pooh loves balloons!

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Idk where I’m getting these strange feelings from looking at a red balloon, but eh. What gives about those feelings, Pooh does like his balloons! :sweat_smile:

I won’t say it, but the sequel was released today

Red balloons are the best for a silly old bear. They’re so fun like this game

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Yeah, I think I already know about dat.

I’m gonna celebrate my avatar, border, and skill at the same time.image image
Stitch is playing his ukulele along with the record player and the music border!


It’s Caturday! Like Saturday but your avatar is a cat…


Oh no! Ladybugs, please don’t eat my cherry!

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Nice one. :ok_hand:


Awww I like that lady bug border!

Looking good!

My avatar is wheely good!

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