How can I celebrate my Avatar, Borders & skills on discourse?

Don’t get turned around with puns! :grin:


I think I’m in tune with most people when I say I love this forum.

Because in tune can be like in agreement but also for an instrument in perfect pitch.


Come on, let’s celebrate. Let’s not paws (pause) the party!
Because Stitch is a “dog” who has paws…,

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What kind of dog doesn’t have paws? I don’t think dingoes count…

Well I love these jokes fur real.

Like dogs have fur…

Stitch’s green skill “Slobber” is also the name of my skill when I see food, like coffee or coconut cake.


This was one of my favorites! I loved popping balloons! At least The Kid is around once in a while. So I can still pop balloons for fun!

Kids are fun sometimes :slight_smile: when they behave themselves.



Don’t forget @Champion_David had that avatar as well

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The key word there is HAD!

I wish he still did, then I could pop balloons more often. :slight_smile:


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Well I finally went ahead & got the Music Border too.



Why do you think I changed it?

Although, I kinda miss it. It was a part of my identity. :pensive:

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Well thekid1 and champion_David are so similar that they are almost the same person!



Awww that was mean! @KayIa

I love it! J/K


You’re so great! In S14, I only had the marquee and mermaid border.

Haha I sometimes still get confused when seeing the balloon avatar since David used to have it!

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What’s the most delicious border I have right now? The pizza one! Except it’s not as good since it’s all crust!

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In my opinion, Mathematically Delicious is the most delicious avatar. And pizza as the most delicious border.


Well the Ukulele avatar and the music border are the most pleasing to my ears.


We haven’t discussed this Avatar.

Some bones could get picked with this for sure!


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That’s from Fantasia

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