How can I celebrate my Avatar, Borders & skills on discourse?

Ok… Here is another avatar we haven’t celebrated.


With the flames darting up the legs makes me want to call them
“HOT PANTS” :slight_smile:

Any other suggestions?


PS That could hurt!

Liar liar pants on fire

(wow this phrase sounds a lot like a little kid saying it)

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I am gonna stay away from those, that is Fred’s boxers…and he wears them for at least 4 days straight. Idk how people found this one, but I am keeping my distance. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Whoever wears that for four days should be FIREd!

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Ok here is another avatar to celebrate.


How can we celebrate this Dragon looking coin?


I am JUST now seeing some symbols in the coin’s birder

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Yeah I noticed those symbols on the rim of that coin too. However I have no idea what they represent.


Most likely Chinese symbols, no way to know what they mean, maybe @TherMasterStitch can translate? althought it might not be the right kind of chinese…

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I tried chinese, but it didn’t work

Who knows?

I don’t think it might even be Chinese! The bottom one looks like it could be the uppercase sigma symbol?


Yeah it’s all Greek to me too!


Well, the symbols look like gibberish to me. I mean… not the symbol itself, but the way Disney used it.

Just guessing, if I were gonna have symbols there and all that, surronding a dragon, I would have them meaning what dragon stands for in Chinese.

Strength, Power, luck, courage, tenacity, and Intelligence, enthusiastic, and confident.

To be fair, that is eight, and it might make sense, especially as this medallion comes from the move Mulan, and Mulan herself certainly displays.all if these qualities.


This is where I got this from.


Quite interesting, Thanks @Champion_David for sharing the Chinese Dragon information.



Well… Since it’s Halloween let’s celebrate this Top Hat as it’s from a rather spooky & creepy guy!


Let’s enjoy celebrating Halloween while staying safe! Always check your candy & watch out for cars!


:jack_o_lantern: HAPPY HALLOWEEN


Hats o ff to you @Queen_Kate I like this badge!

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A perfect hat to hop from place to place :frog:


I don’t like my avatar…

You can go to your profile & change your avatar now. :slight_smile:


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Thank you!

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