How can I celebrate my Avatar, Borders & skills on discourse?

Your welcome. :slight_smile:


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Just because you can now change your avatar, and did so. I will post your new avatar to be celebrated!


Congregations to @WizardMickey another forum user that Now has the avatar they want!


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Mickey birthday is around corner

I really don’t have an avatar that fits me yet

You may choose the one that you love the most.



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It’s the Mickey Mouse clubhouse! Come inside it’s fun inside!

Oh boy we got ears, say cheers!

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I have ears!

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Love the show!

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I loved it. Kinda childish nowadays

I like fish. And cats. Both are so cute like this.


Well, hello to you too! :grin:

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Hello @Hellohello welcome to the thread.

Enjoy yourself celebrating our avatars, badges, & boarders.



This is very funny! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ok… Here are some cookies everyone only gets 2 each.
That’s why you can only see two cookies.


Otherwise Stitch would take them all & No one else would have any! So let’s celebrate!



Cookie Monster: Did somebody mention cookie?

I thought those were pocket crackers, they are shared by John smith and the Sultan, used to feed raccoons and parrots, effectiveness on parrotd may vary.



I love cookies!

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But that’s a biscuit. Well, I’m not sure if cookies and biscuits are just the same. :thinking:

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I call those… Sponge Cakes

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