How I become a oswald fan story

Tnis is a story for oswald fans or everyone can view. I started out not knowing who oswald was until epic mickey 2
And I saw this character wondering who he was so I went to search for info after that and a while I started to become attached to oswald then on on a trip to disney land I met oswald in 2016

And i had oswald merch which told oswald I was a big fan then this year I went again in Feb 26 2024 again with oswald merch i even gave him gift same to one of the things i have (I’ll show those later) and creating memories with oswald. Thanks oswald for the 8 years of memories

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Yes it is plus its very heart warming

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Would you stop with Oswald?!

Yes it is getting annoying

And how do you know for sure that he’s faking it, hm?

You also state that you are autistic in your bio. Does that mean you’re faking it as well?


I don’t understand why this was flagged. According to system my comment is apparently “Inappropriate & abusive”

either way, i’m never sure why people try to validate their weird or poor behaviour with that lol or use it as their defining feature. I don’t need to know when introduced to someone what disorders they might have :sweat_smile: especially online, who cares?! We are who we are regardless.

“ah, i/they have autism” as an excuse for something always sems very lazy :man_shrugging:


I actually really do have autism that’s how I was born

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I flagged it. because unnecessary is a little mean to say a person who worked hard on it so that might be why it was hidden

Can you please stop being mean about oswald I’ll worry about my character you worry about yours

It’s also very insulting. I can’t prove I have autism on a platform like this. So I can neither confirm nor deny that I have it myself.

But I find the very idea of using mental illness as excuse to do or say whatever they want and get away with it without consequence absurd. It just show me that they don’t value or respect those who do have it. All they ever achieved here is just cause discord.



Yeah my comment was unnecessary. I apologise.


Thank you :blush:


Yeah! Thanks!

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