How many guilds are between you and them in MMR? I’ve explained it on other post so here goes…
You can only fight the same team once every 7 fights. So if that top team fought 6 teams between your MMR and theirs and you were #8, then they have to fight you next because there aren’t closer options that they haven’t already fought within 7 battles. MMR only works to keep you in a relative range if you aren’t in the top 10ish. If you are, than eventually you will fight people that are top ranked no matter the MMR difference only because they don’t have options left for opponents.
So it goes like this
Rank 1
Rank2 X
Rank 3 X
Rank 4 X
Rank 5 X
Rank 6 X
Rank 7 X
Rank 8
So if rank 1 fought 2-7 already that’s only 6 fights, so next would be rank 8. After rank 8 then #2 resets and they can fight down the row again. Starting at 2 then 3 etc.
This is the only time MMR really doesn’t matter, when fighting guilds in the top 10. MMR just determines the order you have to fight in, it doesn’t save you from having to fight though.