If you get along with your guild mates and things are progressing there’s no reason to leave. If you’re only worried about getting promoted and not about everyone in the guild working together and having fun together, then you’re missing the point of the game. If you’re having issues with your guild mates and things aren’t happening to help you and the rest of the guild improve, then sure.
If you’re discontented with your Guild, then leave. If you feel like you’re left out, the Guild is inactive, you have no one to talk to in your Guild, Surge is impossible to finish, then you should consider leaving. But, if you think Guilds are all about Power and Promotions, that’s where you’re wrong. Guilds shouldn’t just be for Power or Promotions, it should also be for forging friendships with your Guildmates…
I’m fine with my guild
“I’ll promote you” what a bribe. Just leave them. Lmao