I Will See You In Hell! (Louise Belcher Unlikely Concept)

Louise Belcher

You could sell your soul. I did and look at me. I’m fine. (Smiles creepily)
Bubbling with surprises, Louise can take down any enemy in her way without them even knowing what hit ‘em!


Trial Team: Red

Basic Attack: Louise tosses a menu at the nearest enemy, dealing X damage.

Louise will/would only be available in Guild Chests, and in some terribly-overpriced microtransactions.


Entrance: Louise walks in holding her Kuchi Kopi nightlight, then puts it away.
Victory: Louise laughs maniacally.
Defeat: Louise falls to her knees and bangs her fists on the ground.


White Skill: Firecracker Open-Fire

Louise pulls out 3 firecrackers, and shoots them at the rivaling team, dealing X damage and stunning 3 of the enemies for 12 seconds.

Stun may fail for enemies above Level X.

Green Skill: Plushie Pile-Up

Louise piles up a wall of her Japanese plushies, creating a barrier, granting her a shield for 11 seconds.

Blue Skill: Kuchi Kopi Cuddle

Louise takes Kuchi Kopi out, and hugs him, healing her X HP.

Purple Skill: Menu Meddling

Louise’s basic attack deals 40% more damage.

Red Skill: Master Trickster

Firecracker Open-Fire deals 60% more damage, and stuns enemies for 16 seconds.*

  • +X Basic Damage
  • +X Reality
  • +X Tendency


Louise / Quackerjack


Campaign: Prankster Parade
Campaign Story: Louise sets out to do some pranks with Quackerjack.
Allies: Flik, Hiro, and Darkwing Duck.
Disk: Prankster’s Pack

”Kuchi Kopi Cuddle” heals X% more HP to Louise.

+X Max HP
+X Tendency

Louise / Shank


Campaign: Drag-Race Demolition
Campaign Story: Louise feeds her hunger of explosions and intense racing with Shank.
Allies: King Louie, Fix-It Felix, and King Triton.
Disk: Homemade Dynamite

”Firecracker Open-Fire” shoots 4 rockets that deal 50% more damage.

+X Armor
+X Skill Power


  • I picked Quackerjack and Shank because they both reflect Louise’s personality - funny and rebellious.
  • I was going to do Bob, but got a Concepter’s Block and picked Louise instead.
  • I love the Season 1-2 style of Louise, so that’s why I picked the image for this concept.

I’m so happy to finally return to the forums, and thank you all for reading this concept! I may be a bit rusty, but I’ll start getting back into the swing of things. :blush::heart:

P.S.: If there are any issues or problems with my concept, please tell me and I will correct them!

  • Added Allies to Friendships, and neatened up the page a bit. :upside_down_face:
  • Added Trial Team
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