Ian reflect bug

So uhh…this might be completely random but
Is it a bug when Ian’s reflect lasts longer when he’s slowed because it says it last 5 seconds🤔

Never seen this :thinking:

Not sure about when he’s slowed, but there are cases of Ian’s reflect lasting longer than intended

I’m not sure if anything triggers it. It must be random.


I guess sometimes other characters using their actives “pause” both Ian and his buff duration. I once had a match when my Robin started shooting Ian with his active, pausing him, dealing damage to himself, instantly healing and getting energy. He just continued trying, pausing everyone. Even characters who got KOd by the moment weren’t going off screen. So yeah, Ian’s reflect can even last for the whole battle.

Creo que es por el uso de activos en la partida, aveces veo ventajas (y desventajas) que duran más tiempo de lo usual cuando un héroe usa su activo, así que podríamos llegar a la conclusión de que el activo de cualquier héroe puede hacer que las ventajas y desventajas de los demás duran más tiempo.

It’s the active skill spam, and it extends literally everything

I’ve seen it around 20 seconds max for Ian’s reflect, but once (extreme case tho, normally doesn’t happen) Hades stayed invincible for 70 seconds

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Doubt it

It’s happened before without that

“Spam” for the most extreme cases. One or two actives can still extend the duration

Which still shouldn’t happen, and sometimes enemy’s Ian has reflect for like 20 seconds for no reason.

@Loutre naughty bug is threatening everyone, kill it. :sob:

Looks like Ian’s reflect is already being looked at by the team!


Though, the problem isn’t just Ian. Yes, he’s the most noticeable because it’s a start of combat reflect that normally is very short. But as I said, pretty much anything is extended by these spams

Tbh, active skills just shouldn’t pause the timer. They also shouldn’t happen one at a time, but all together when they can. It’s really annoying that sometimes my heroes have full energy but to use their active they have to wait because the whole enemy team also has full energy and only one hero at a time can use it.

Yes, I asked about the active skills being spammed.

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