Idea for new hero, Stitch our favourite experiment 626

So we have got quite a few characters now, but some of them are kinda generic in their skills, ralph, jessie& eve for examples, and also skill like felix’s “honey glow” although is useful, it is not very fit to its characteristic. We also definitely need some more team energy filler rather than wall-e right? So here comes a thought of Stitch, it may be a very interesting character to think about skill and stat wise. Here are my ideas to increase some diversity and adding some randomness, if Stitch ever gonna be implemented into this game.
image picture derived from google, but it’s from one of the cartoon episodes I believe, sorry for the copyright

Basic damage: high
Skill power: mild
Max HP: mild
Max energy:1000
Role: tank
position: mid
team: yellow, since yellow team contains characters with animals characteristics.

Skills: I leave those exact numbers since they will be increased via levelling up those skills.

Skill 1—(name needed): stitch switches to its alien form, and became outrageous, does———(massive)damage to random 4 opponents(four hands lol), while doing 10% damages to nearby allies if their levels are below ———. So basically a skill with positive& negative effects :slight_smile:

Skill 2— eat them: Stitch eats up random opponents attacks without losing his HP, and convert those damage to its energy(based on cartoon stitch eats almost everything), it will fail if the opponent skill level(yeah skill level, not opponent level) is above———.

Skill 3— Ohana: Stitch cheers the whole team up using his ukulele, gives allies ——— boost in attack, after that he checks his “doing-good-thing arm band” which shows a +1, and he gains——— energy.

Skill 4—cousins: Stitch calls random cousins to do their ability, it can be spaky which makes opponents paralysis, and etc. just gives all those effects like going to sleep, scare, paralysis, frozen, burned… There are ——— chance of calling 3 cousins at a time.

I hope you guys like it :slight_smile: Thank you!


Love the Stitch Idea

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