If the fans are to be ignored

Considering Shank is in the game, I’d say that the second Wreck-It Ralph movie has definitely been proven to be eligible since she first appeared in that movie.

I know that, but what about characters King Candy, Lotso, Stinky Pete, and Voyd? We have gotten no confirmation on characters like them.

I agree about Stinky Pete. He was mentioned in the Woody and Jesse campaign but he hasn’t appeared yet and there has been no mention of Lotso by the Toy Story gang in the game at all and that’s what I watch for when I’m playing. Now I need to watch for either Lotso or Stinky Pete but if they do get involved, I will not share.

That someone is mentioned doesn´t mean that they will appear in the game :man_shrugging:

I’ll believe what I want :woman_shrugging:

Fine. Just not be surprised if they never come

Yeah, because they might not have permission to add them

Or maybe cuz PB has other plans of adding other heroes :man_shrugging:

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Please no more Toy Story characters atm.


Same with the muppets and zootopia


I agree. I think they’re done with those franchises at the moment. There are other characters and IPs they can choose from. I know I can’t wait to see who they have in store to be added to the game.

They should still include star vs the forces of evil to the game

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