Impossible campaign?

I know a lot of people already reported that this specific campaign (Statler&Waldorf/Fozzie) has a bug that doesn’t let you get the disk’s stars… but there is an even bigger issue with it.

The second level is just completely impossible:

Brute is immune to normal damage. The only source of fantastic damage these two have is Statler and Waldorf’s purple, which lets their basic attack do fantastic damage to enemies with weakness. Now, to get weakness on enemies, I need to wait for Statler’s white skill to recharge… by which point they’re only spamming skills and never using a single basic attack. I tried to interrupt the green and blue skills with their white at pretty much all moments during the animations, they just use the other one and restart the cycle.

TLDR, Statler’s refresh made this level (and possibly others forward) impossible, the brutes should have been removed.

And no it’s not because I’m underranked, they had enough powerups to oneshot enemy heroes in level 1, they just can’t damage the brute.


Oh no. This just one of many campaigns that are impossible to beat. MANY!!!

I made in entire topic on this. No matter how powerful they are, they can’t seem to beat anything. With all these refreshes making older characters more powerful, some friendships become impossible to finish while others you can’t even get off the ground.

You know what? I let you read it for yourself.

Friendships are just too hard

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I read it already, and no you clearly didn’t get what I was saying…

Difficulty isn’t the issue. This one just isn’t beatable, because the enemy is entirely immune to the damage they do.

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Ok so, apparently it’s doable if Statler has a speed mod (with +15% speed). Which ok nice, but this still should be changed, most won’t figure this out or anyway won’t be willing to waste a mod for this…

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