
From my side as VIP 14, and yes! I paid weigh too much on this game to get on with all those new updates coming too soon, I’d like to suggest following improvements:

Max. Leveled heroes! (Stars, Batches, Memory Disks and Skills!)
I’m at Orange five yet, and it sucks that the updates coming so fast and always new. Heroes released! There should be an End batch level for all old heroes (i hope it’s orange 5!!!) that we can work with all new released heroes until a new end batch level for them. The same with skills, level, stars, etc. So we can still combine all and work on the new. I spent a lot of money and to get them all done until the next too fast coming updates, i would be bankrupt without getting them all done. That’s no fun!

It would also be great if there would be some kind of explanation which skills and heroes would fit best or a training arena where we could pick heroes from other guild members as enemies to try fitting teams together…
It would be great if there would be kind of a batch factory, where we easily could merge batches we could if enough available
Batch enhancement: please programme it the opposite around, that it would take first the batches with the lowest. Value and highest number available instead of highest value and most available.

Maybe also a skill creation factory or training that we could create an individual skill for heroes due to the movies there in to?

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