In-Game practical questions FAQ

Thanks for the help. I’m trying to find out if it is all of server 4 experiencing this.

I’ve added a couple of new questions. If you’ve come across any questions in global chat, drop them here and I’ll edit them in.

Sometimes the game offer glitches and you don’t receive your rewards at all

I have experienced this as well and have reported it to the support team.

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Great FAQ list. Thanks so much!

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When doing offers with a reward of only 1 diamond you don’t always get VIP rings but sometimes you still get 1. (Meaning if you do get a VIP ring for it then you got 100% of the diamond amount for it.)

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That’s good to know, I didn’t even know there were rewards with only 1 diamond.

The 1 diamond rewards are mainly just video ads to watch. Usually all at the bottom of the list.

You get one vip ring per 5 diamond reward… So the 5th video that you watch would award one vip ring

Honestly watching videos are not worth it

Is there any tips on how to use diamonds/coins? Like do I need to save up my diamonds to buy the crates instead of splurging it on buying energy or raids?

It’s a personal choice really Nicole_II, but I prefer to splurge my Coins & Diamonds on items I need from the markets & extra energy to raid more. That way I can gradually work towards my goals.

I’m not a fan of gambling so don’t like Diamond Crates, some players have great luck with them; others don’t. That’s up to you if you want to try your luck there.

One thing to take note of with Diamonds Crates though, is even when when you ‘win a hero’ you might get one you already have; so instead will get chips. Don’t fall into the belief that if you do the buy 10 deal you WILL get a new hero, sadly it doesn’t work that way.


As Razzle_Dazzle said it is a matter of opinion on what’s best to do. I personally prefer to save up for the 10 diamond crates. Mainly since other things they can be spent on are all available in other places or just by waiting for it to replenish. This way I at least have a chance at a new hero. (And there is always one that is only available in the diamond crate.)

The downside to this is that if you already have the hero the reward is less. A 1 star hero costs 10 chips. If you win one you don’t have you get the hero instantly. (It doesn’t even use any chips you might have saved up. Meaning it’s value is 10 chips.) But if you have the hero already you only get some chips. (Reduced from the value of what it takes to get the hero normally.) A 10 star hero only gets 7 chips.

The only other thing I spend my diamonds on are if either of the exclusive diamond/VIP heroes have their chips in the store.

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Thanks for the FAQ. It’s super helpful!:+1:t2:

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I want to ask questions.

  1. How do I clear multiple concurrent missions, what does it even mean?
  2. What is reality? Is it to block fantastic damage???
    Please anwer this and thank you for the faq

I just bought 4.99 worth of Diamonds. Can someone clarify that’s just one off? Cuz I’m getting a little bit confused which ones are subscription & which ones aren’t since after my purchase, the 4.99 deal is no longer there. Thanks.

All purchases are one-offs, unless you invest in the Monthly Deal. An easy indicator of whether or not you’ve subscribed is a countdown timer in the first box. All “1st time bonus Diamond” deals get pushed to the back of the list to prioritize the other bonus deals.


  1. Concurrent missions refer to Friend Missions. Not sure which server you’re on, but in S1-8, it’s possible to do 8+ at the same time. Maximize the number of missions you have running by doing 2hr missions & making sure you have the available items.
  2. What Is the Reality Stat?

Why can’t I press anything on the home page of the game??

curse does not diminish the cure?

Not exactly sure what you mean, but resting the game might help?

Usually helps me at least.

The original post was made in May of 2018; I’m pretty sure there weren’t any heroes in the game at that time that could curse.

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