In memory of Walt Disney (An idea)

Me and Claydoe52 has an idea. We thought in memory of Walt Disney, there should be a new mode, available at level 75. This new mode will be called “The Vault of Walt”. What this does is give you challenges. For example, a “The Incredible challenge”. One specific character challenge will be focused only on characters from that universe, such as the under-miner or any other Incredible villain. For example “The Incredible challenge”, there is 25 battles within this. Every 5 battles, you’ll go against a villain. You can’t use that villain and is exclusive only through the villain of these battles. When you defeat this challenge, you will be granted a speed, attack, or armor boost. You get to choose when you finish the challenge.

All respect and ideas are given to Claydoe52. For, he/she and I have exchanged ideas and names. Claydoe52 has made up most of the idea I’m the first place. So ask her/him questions if you have any.


I was sold the moment you used the word ‘challenges’, I also made a suggestion of a challenge mode once

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Sorry fell asleep Haha but thanks for turning it into a detailed post.

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