Incredibles wants a refresh

What is this faciler refreshed he ca
me on 2020 then jack jack wants a refresh


Mr incred and dash are fine but the rest i can agree


Actually, I would advice against buffing the Incredibles too much as they are among the first enemy characters you meet in the Chapter 1 tutorial, so if the Incredibles are buffed the chapter 1 tutorial related enemies versions of them are also are buffed, which is overall unideal as it makes the tutorial harder.

I wrote a post about it and yeah, the tutorial characters should be refreshed/buffed as other characters in the first chapter tutorial have gotten refreshed/buffed.


Yes, now with the tutorial three it’s impossible to finish the level which unlocks Vanellope, thanks to buffed Dash.

Bogo and Mr. Inc are also very tough and making battles hard, but of course PB makes stupid excuses and does nothing, eh. Then later with more enemies it’s also hard with just Ralph, Vanellope, Frozone, Yax and EG, all of them (apart of EG) needs refresh.

But what’s given? Dr. Facilier refresh.

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Hum… .

Based on this video which is one from 2020 this players doesn’t really have a problem surviving Dash, however rather taking really long to take Dash down and you could say losing a bit of the pace and the momentum. The battle with Dash is at 17.43.

So given this video I am unsure if that Dash is that dangerous, but yeah taking longer than needed to be taken down is the main thing here I think as this is a part of the really easily game that is technically supposed to be quick and easy I imagine.

The battle before the stage where you get Vanellope is worse I think as in the mid-stage with Bogo and Mr.Incredible is a more dangerous combo together than just Dash alone.

I wonder if this is also part of the reason why other early-game characters such as Ralph and Vanellope haven’t gotten any major buffs/refreshes yet. They are also very common enemies to face in early story chapters, so buffing them might also make those levels more difficult to clear (a la Mr. Incredible).

Obviously by this point, they SHOULD be buffed, but I can kind of understand why they haven’t been yet.

But it uses Woody.

If they were buffed both side gets better, and so far only enemy side is getting better.

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Just to clarify, what exactly did you mean by this?

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