Reply to Q&A response: Tutorial characters and the question of refreshing/buffing

This was originally meant for the Q&A response thread, but as it got closed so I decided to make it an own post.
This is something I came to think of in regard to the question of whether or not to refresh/buff tutorial characters and I wondered if you could forward this to Leaf and the others as feedback.
Player: Why some of the earliest heroes released with poorest stats as Ralph, Yax, Vanellope or Woody never were refreshed, and heroes like Dr. Facilier received full refresh, even if his situation wasn’t like Basil’s or beta heroes? It doesn’t help with balance at all. Is there a way for you guys to buff ALL old (first edition) heroes of this game at the same time? I don’t talk about changing their skill set or anything, just some basic stat and friend disc stat buff are fine. This will help a lot of players as we all have our bias so every time there are polls to decide who gets refreshed, it all leads to no-need argument and disappointment.

[Leaf] We’ve looked into refreshing the heroes everyone gets access to at the very beginning of the game, like Vanelope or Ralph, but we keep coming to the roadblock that it will throw off the balance and the play of the early game. Players who are new to Disney Heroes will have a more confusing experience, and will be less likely to keep playing and join our community. We’ve decided to hold off on refreshing Vanelope and other very early heroes like her until we can come up with a better solution.

Counter Question/Answer: Actually I would say your response Leaf kind of contradicting itself depending on how you look at it. If you mean specifically in the tutorial in the beginning I suppose I can see the point there, but if so mainly increase the Blue skill and up if not the Green skill as well. The higher rank skill could give bonuses to the White skills to have it not fall behind.

I can say that I in server 5 actually help new players choose the best characters they can based on what they have gotten. Like a person got Shan Yu at around White rank if not green rank, I recommended them switching out Ralph as Shan Yu is newer and better, overall will help the player progress faster. When they get Maximus I will recommend switching from Shan Yu to Maximus, since Maximus is overall newer and better.
By recommending newer characters I prepare the new players for the future, that way helping them have more fun in the game most likely. Most people I help are usually really grateful and overall something I recommend people doing in other servers as well if possible :-).

The Most Important Points:
A new thing I realized thanks to Musketeer/ChristmasKimtasticSeason earlier comment here is the fact that all the non-tutorial characters in the first chapters as a part of the tutorial have likely been refreshed or buffed when the characters got buffed, as in The Incredibles, Judy and Yax.

As such the first chapter tutorial wise and early chapters overall are likely harder than originally intended as the creep versions of the characters have been refreshed or buffed along with the actual characters. Mr.Incredibles and Dash are likely the most dangerous out of them. (If the Tutorial versions have special made stats for the tutorial it is another thing kind of, but still after the tutorial the characters will still be affected).

Another thing is the fact that like Musketeer/ChristmasKimtasticSeason mentioned in the forum is that the characters you select from like Mr.Incredibles, Bogo, Nick, Felix and Woody have all been refreshed or buffed at some point, beside maybe Woody. So you are relatively early introducing a new and better character to them, as well as the early game crates you can get and actually get meta characters from them.

So yeah, I think it is best to refresh/buff the tutorial characters given that one: If you don’t buff the tutorial characters and all the other early chapter enemy characters, new players may not actually be able to progress at all as the refreshed/buffed enemies are too strong in the early part of the tutorial. (This of course won’t happen if the tutorial stats are specifically scripted, but otherwise this may eventually become a problem).

I also imagine that this situation of not refreshing/buffing the tutorial characters and only refreshing/buffing most other characters will and maybe have caused disbalances in terms of the intended experience in the early chapters from how it originally was, since the refreshes and buffs leads to stronger enemies I assume.

Second point: Even at White rank new players from what I understand can easily get new characters from the Diamond Crates that got added to the early game, so there are no real reason not to buff the tutorial characters as more early players get more powerful characters quickly anyway.
Beside I think they are likely more confused by why their starter characters seem so weak overall, compared to getting good characters early that can actually be useful for a long time.

To combat new player confusion people in other servers can do what I have done and basically be server 5’s community helper and kind of community manager as well.
While not every day maybe always, I frequently in server 5 help people by recommending what characters to use based on what characters they have gotten, that way reducing their confusion in terms of who to use.

Another way to combat new player from the developers side would be to update tips to recommend using newer characters, as well as adding a sort/filter that lets you search/check characters by launch year, that way new players can more easily know which characters are likely stronger.

I hope this can be forwarded as feedback as I think this is an important discussion and something that really need to be done something with, since it would likely overall improve the new player’s experience and more likely have a long lasting good impression, as well as of course a good time.

As for other players like myself I hope you all find this post interesting and hope it is fine that it is a bit long :-).
It is overall important for us players to get the best start we can which is why I made this post, and hopefully we can get an answer even if we have to wait for a more complex answer to over new year if PerBlue close today for Christmas. (On that, hope you all at PerBlue have a good Christmas break as well).

So yeah, hopefully we players can get a small answer today if possible, even of course a full answer would be the most appreciated :-).


Nick wasn’t refreshed as well, but the rest is correct :wink:

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Actually I said refreshed or buffed, which in case Nick has earlier been buffed :-).

Probably a part of why Nick is still not just useable and actually useful considering City Watch :-). While it is true that Nick isn’t as useful in City Watch watch anymore as the newer characters do a lot more damage than him even with his 5 lemmings, and the fact that his HP pool isn’t that high.

Anyway, even if Nick got just a small buff it gave him extra life as a character in terms of usability, which is why even if it is a minor buff compared a refresh is still really good as it makes the character more viable even if not meta :-).
That’s the difference I think, from unusable basically or useable to useful, but not necessarily meta.

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i really want joy too be buffed.

This isn’t really a thread/post about refreshing/buffing non-tutorial characters, but as far as Joy goes I wouldn’t say she doesn’t need to be buffed given how good her Red skill is, or at least doesn’t need a refresh and instead just a smaller buff.

Joy even without her Red skill is pretty useable and useful I assume, but yeah Kristoff likely takes the prize as the current best main healer. (Kronk is a random based healer, so doesn’t count in my view as you can’t rely on him to heal you always necessarily).

Sorry i didnt make this clear but i meant hp wise

  1. Here’s how the PB’s excuses works in reality.

Unable to finish CH1 using beta heroes.

  1. Player will get anyways newer and better heroes really quickly, so refreshing the oldest won’t hurt, but help. They still cost same to max, so why they have 10% of the power? Really unfair balance.

This excuse is just pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I’m about two steps close to leaving this game for good. Perblue has never listened to us in terms of situations like these, despite how easy it is just to make a change.



I would say that example is both partly true and partly inaccurate at the same time. The reason why like I said in the Discord server is that you likely haven’t equipped them badges or at least just the one badge for Frozone as a part of the tutorial, and I think you said this is what you did.

However, game progression wise I think the game intends you to have either all the characters pretty well badged or have 1 Green character, so as such your example Musketeer isn’t likely the intended game progression I think.

In this example here from November 2020, this team survives the first try without problems.
The fight with Dash is at 17.43.

Here is a comparison from May 2018 when the game originally launched and I got to say Dash seem to be taken down by far fewer hits compared to what we see in the 2020 video.
The fight with Dash starts around starts around 16.05.

So yeah, while each of the videos have a few different parameters for the player team and as such not 100% comparable, but in general in the May 2018 video Dash’s HP general goes down faster percentage wise per hit compared to the November 2020 video, which is I think is the main thing takeaway overall when comparing the two versions.

I would say if PerBlue wants to have the reason of “Not throw off the early game balance” be one of the main reasons to why they aren’t going to refresh/buff the tutorial characters, then they either need to refresh/buff the tutorial characters or make own versions for the creeps that are at the strength of when the game was originally released back in 2018. If not then PerBlue are kind of contradicting what they say with their own actions.

I don’t know if PerBlue actually have thought about this part of the tutorial balance issue, so yeah if they haven’t thought about this side of the tutorial balance issue then they should do something about it as soon as they can.
If PerBlue are able to it would be nice if they managed to before spring or at least in spring, since I imagine PerBlue want to focus on the next Color rank first which is fine and understandable, but yeah I think at least before spring is over would be reasonable if not before depending on how complicated it is to fix. As long as something is done with the tutorial balance issue, that’s the most important thing.

I think the problem extends beyond the tutorial characters. Certain friend campaigns become nightmarishly hard when a character (like Sally or Mr Incredible) are refreshed or buffed.

I think the solution is fairly obvious: there needs to be two versions of each character. For example, there can be “buffed Sally” and “unbuffed Sally”. The “buffed Sally” character would be the Sally that players use. The “unbuffed Sally” would be the version of Sally encountered in situations where the players have limited choices on who to use, which I believe to be just friend campaigns.

So, then, if they want to buff Vanellope, “unbuffed Vanellope” would be in the tutorial part of the game and on friend campaigns, but “buffed Vanellope” would be the Vanellope in every other part of the game.

I think the problem with Campaigns is the levels of the skills. They’re all set the hero level and not to the appropriate skill cap that they’re set by.

For example 200/200/200/200 as opposed to 200/200/180/160


@Simonmoon5 @Tragic-Magic I agree with you both there, I were just mainly showing an example of that PerBlue seem to have caused the early game balance to be off themselves mainly.

My view on it is that the Normal Campaign should have unbuffed enemies and that includes refreshes not being applied at least the tutorial like you said, and maybe to about chapter 5/6 in order to have the overall start be a bit more approachable and getting the player into the game in a good way.
The skill levels being 200/200/180/160 for the unbuffed enemies as 200/200/200/200 is kind of unfair on us players as the AI can have access to higher skill levels than us players which should be fixed for all the chapters.

Friend Campaigns should have unbuffed enemies yeah and have the skill levels have the same max levels as us players, since otherwise it is overall unfortunately easy to get stuck in a Friend Campaign chapter stage when you otherwise might have won.
This is not just in terms of the sake of making the challenge to get the disk more easily, but also to make it more likely that we players can get to see the story content in the Friend Campaign more easily and not as much lose the momentum and by the time we reach the end, we may have forgotten what happened in the beginning.

However for the Elite Campaign given that it is meant to be a more difficult mode I think it might be fine to have the stats/enemies be buffed and also maybe have 200/200/200/200 skill wise.
For the Elite campaign it overall makes more sense I think and are fine.

I checked and while it is true Sally has been buffed, when she actually got dangerous in recent times were after she got her Red skill mainly I think. At least here is the patch notes with the buff.

But yeah, what do you all think about these ideas? Good or need some adjustments?

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