Inside Out Concept

Dude stop! Your being really rude over one little skill! Please stop it makes sense that she would heal from this, you would understand if you watched the movie but you didn’t so stop arguing! I wanted to be nice but your getting so mad over one thing! And you didn’t even watch the movie! :man_facepalming:


I almost forgot, I know Disgust very well as well. There are a couple of scenes where She acts like one of those stuck-up snpoty girls who want to be fashionable & hate being touched.

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Umm you didn’t even watch the movie so idc. :man_facepalming:

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Critisism can sound harsh but that is part of it’s job which is to rate things within it’s category. To say how good or bad something is.

This concept isn’t as bad as you guys think I think it is. It just… has a few difficult flaws.

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Ok Everyone calm down the purple is just fine and tr3frend stop being rude you didn’t watch the movie so you don’t know

Though You are right the truth can hurt. But it can hurt more if you’re rude!


I’m not being rude, you guys just overthink my combinations of words too hard. I’m surprised we even talk this long.

I said this recently but I’ll say it again.

I don’t think this concept for Sadness is as bad as you guys think I think is.

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Confuses me that you’re the only one that comes across as rude to us…


This is the internet, there are many rude things & I’m none of them but I do have examples of them. You guys may not speak to many people like me. I use big & massive piles of words to describe things carefully.

To be honest with you, I think you are in a better place to critique the character’s skills rather than why they make sense for the character if you do not know the character.

There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but your tone of writing surely has room for improvement if you are truly not trying to come off as rude.

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To be fair, they are just… Suggestions. But mine are more thought out than many others.

I believe other people are supposed to compliment you.

Who said I was complimenting myself?

10 characters


. . . In this concept, it does. Even though Sadness does learn a lesson that always feeling one emotion is not good, many in-game heroes skillsets do not accurately reflect what they have learned at the end of their respective movies. Beast obviously learned the importance of love at the end of BatB, but his skills make him seem like a terrifying, raging monster that will destroy anything in it’s way, which is what Beast was shown as in the beginning. Same applies here. Sadness should be allowed to heal from something based on Sadness.

A movie can have multiple lessons. Both of these are lessons that you can walk away from the movie with.

You’re spending more time lambasting @Gjmguy for a unique decision he made for the concept rather than try to analyze the rest of the Skillset.


@Gjmguy I didn’t compliment myself, I just said they have more thought put into them. That can be good or bad.

@The_Spooky_Vizier Been there & already explained 1 skill which singlegandely drlestroyed the concept & explained why 2 out of 2 disks were flat out garbage.

You mean the one that greatly buffs her when an ally gets hurt?

Maybe if you don’t agree with our thoughts on it: another way of looking at it is that her hardships made her stronger (more health = harder to take down)?

I was talking about green as the skill that makes no sense & it only benefits Herself.

Purple is useless because it is too situational. Almost everybody dies nowadays & She doesn’t protect in any sort of way other than slowing down.

She also blinds and freezes.

Besides, d&b’s purple only benefits them, what a horrible skill. Oh my, beast’s white only benefits him, how useless. Oh dear, joy’s green only benefits herself, this is unacceptable.
Not every skill has to give an immediate benefit to allies.


But they tie into their skillset unlike Sadness. A situational energy gain isn’t going to change much. That doesn’t tie into a self heal because there is nothing to reduce the damage She recieves.

Sulley gains armor by boosting His skill power by scaring enemies which boosts skill power & fantasic damage.

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