Invalid Loot - Trials

Every time I go into trials, the first time I claim the loot, it tells me that there’s been an Invalid Loot. While I can go back to it and do it again, and claim the loot the second time. It does present a problem when I managed to clear a new stage and the Invalid Loot error pops up, as sometimes I am unable to clear the stage again the second time.


I experienced that problem too. It happens to me sometimes.

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I got that “Invalid Loot” Trial bug, too (same goes from the Port). And honestly, it doesn’t bother me that much, as the 2nd time I do it again, it becomes valid. It seldom pops up, and that’s that.

It only happens if you do Franchise Trials BEFORE Team Trials/Ports. Fix: Do Team Trials and Ports first.



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This is true. You need to do Ports and regular Trials before the Franchise Trials to not get the “invalid loot” notification.


It’s been happening since before the franchise trials started.

Yes because it happened with all the prior Trial Events and Special Trials. For the very same reason…

Trial Events, Anniversary Trials and Franchise trials are CONNECTION-DEPENDENT PvE modes (they need connection BEFORE trying to pass it).

Team Trials and Ports however are not (they need connection AFTER passing it to rewrite the data). That seems to be the reason for the error.

First have 2 checks (before and after passing) whilst the other ones have only 1 check (after passing) and the game´s like… oh no no no we missed one check here. Basically it takes the “after passing” check as the “before passing” check if you try Franchise Trials first.

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